Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Abbey Thought at St. Alban's, 288

After the Election, 298

After the "Westminster Play, 299

After-Tboughts, 191

Age of Uurest (The), 124

Agricultural Question (The), 106

" All at Sea ! " 42

Alleged Cruelty to a Collie, 270

All my Eye Art. 261

All of a Piece, 274

All Over 1 294

Amateur Yachtsman (The), 101
" And is Old Double dead ? " 85
Archidiaconal Function (An), 249
" Arm, Arm, ye Brave 1" 46
'Arry on Song and Sentiment, 229
'Arry on the Elections, 277
At Charing Cross Station, 202
At the Albion, 251
Babes on the Wood, 2S0
Ballad in Posse (A), 262
Ballad of the Great Election Battle (A),

Ballad of the Philanthropist, 46
Battle of the Baggage (The), 213
Battle of the Frogs and Mice (The), 258
Beer 1 85

Bemused Voter (The), 266

Black Board (The), 168

Board to Death, 206

Bogey, 207

Bombastes, 220

Book of Badminton (The), 256

Boulonaco-sur-Chemin-de-Fer, 209

Bradshaw's Fun, 89

Brer Wolff tackles Old Man Turkey-

Buzzard, 81
Bride's Tragedy (The), 70
British Dramatic Museum (A), 242
Bumble to the Beefeater, 98
By a Blandford Blue, 179
Calling them Home, 246
Canvassing it, 6i
Canzonet by the Chancellor, 174
Cardsteps Jottings, 96
Carolines and Penny-a-liners, 133
Case of Heartless Cruelty (A), 48
Cases for Colney Hatch, 263
Chant of Sir Thomas Thornhill, Bart., 41
Cheap Drippers. 237
Cheeky Chick (The), 162
Christmas Carol (A), 30
ConcerDiug Critics, 221
Concerts of the Season (The), 69
Conquering Machine (The), 34
Contending Swains (The), 186
Cooling Down, 166

Corker for the Member for Cork ), 277

Correction (A). 251

Cost of a Sixpenny Telegram, 170

Crocus League (The), 220
Crowded Out 1 bOl
Cry from Epping Forest (A), 253
Cry of the Unemployed (The), 214
Cum Grano, 237
Cyclomania, 11
"Dawn of Creation" and Practical Poli-
tics, 222
" Day in the Country " (A), 11
De Lunatico Inquirendo, 162
Depression, 85
Disclaimer (A), 274
Disenchanted Castle (A), 97
Disestablisher's Diary (The), 293
"Ducal Creature " (The), 233
Earl of Shaftesbury—In Memoriam, 173
Early Gooseberry (The), 29
Eastend-on-Mud—" Edition de Luxe,"

Ego and Non-Ego, 94
Election Intelligence, 275
Election of the Lord Mayor at the Guild-
hall (The). 238
End of the Cricketing Season, 143
" England as he is treated " in Germany,

English Abroad (The), 185

Essence of Midlothianism, 264

Essence of Parliament, 10, 52, 64, &c.

Eton v. Harrow, 29

44 Excelsior 1 Excelsior ! " 181

Extracts from the Diary of an Eminent

Citizen, 145
False Alarm (A), 210
False Notes, 267
Fawkes—et Prasterea Nihil, 291
Filling up at Philippopolis, 267
" Final, Conclusive, and Binding," 294
First-rate Chance (A), 225
Fitzdotterel, 108, ltfO, 13J, &c.

Flying Visit (A), 264
Forged Criticisms. 229
Free and Independent Electors, 233
Free as Air, 263
" Free " Everything, 159
Funny Man (A), 17
Fury and Jury at Cambridge, 280
Gamp Rediviva; or, Much Overrated, 61
(Garden) Party Question (A), 61
General Ulysses S. Grant, 57
Gentle Reminder (A), 34
German Sausage and Spanish Onion, 135
Gift of Repartee (The), 9
Gladstonius, 285
Going for Goschen, 228
" Going it "—rather 1 292
Going to the Dogs, 117
G. O. M. on Artists' Models (The), 251
Good Lawes! 206
Good Picce of Business (A), 241

" Good Words 1" 198
Grand Old Minstrel (The), 285
Granville Express (The), 178
Greek meets Greek, 257
Grounds for Alarm, 209
Hair and Rabbit, 218
Hanwell Festival (The). 37
Harassing the Hovas, 71
" Hard Lines," 75
Hateful Habit (A), 134
Hay marketing. 60
Heckling a Heckler. 262
Helen of Camberwell, 269
High Sky-High Compliments, 77
•4 Hoop-lil 1 i31
Horsleyana, 206

How Brer Rabbit lost his Bushy Tail, 80
How Brer Turkey-Buzzard bothers Brer
Wolff, 165

" How Shall we Three meet again ? " 270

How they Settled it, 204

Ho to Do it. 281

Humane "Holborn" (The), 309

Hum of Bee, 253

" I don't Care a Rap ! " 86

" Improvement" at Eton, 273, 281, 298

In a Hammock, 38

" In for a Dig," 233

In "Northern Latitudes," 240

In the Christmas Hamper, 302

In the Paddock at Doncaster, 155

In the Temple Gardens, 28

Invitation (An), 26

Irish Horse and his Master (?) (The), 115
Irish " Vampire " (The), 19s
Irrepressible Tourist (The), 102
Izaak Walton's (completely) Done Angler,

Jake by Jeremy Diddler, 221

Just Another Sniff, 105

Keeping the Wolff from the Door, 347
Key of 4' Gladstone s Door " (The), 59
" Kind Inquiries." 254
King Theebaw, 194
Last Growler (The), 119
Latest Intelligence & la Mode, 121
Lay of Lawn Tennis (A), 70
Lays of a Lazy Minstrel, 134, 154, 279
Letter-Bag of Toby, M.P., 149, 158, 180,

L&tter to Ashmead Bartlett, Esq., 134
Letter to the Right Hon. J. Chamberlain,

"Life in London Hygienically Con-
sidered," 221
Lightly Handeling, 4
Little Bulgar Boy (The), 182
Little " Difference" (A), 126
Little Holiday Cruise (A), 160
Little Music (A), 252

" Lo! and Behold 1" 71

Log of the 44 Sunbeam," 95

London in September, 125

Loudon School Board and the 44 Saturday

Review," 5
Looking Ahead, 150, 293
Lord Mare's Day, 249
Majesty and Magic, 82
44 Make your Games I " 287
Making the Best of it, 6
Man for the Place (The), 262
Manifest Correction (A), 93
Mummers Maligned, 15
Mares at the Manshuu House (The), 194
Mem. on Some Memoirs, 209
" Milk Below 1" 237
Mock Heroics with a Vengeance, 100
Model Wife (The), 129
Modest Flower (A), 245
More Light, 350

Mr. Puuch's Political Address, 244
Mugwump's Appeal (A), 276
Neither for Choice, 201
Never I 291

New Captain (The), 18

New Colours, 208

New Departure (A), 45

New Elysium (The), 110

New House of Commons (The), 265

New Reading, 2

New Skool of Gildball Music (The), 58

New Words and Old Songs, 299

" Nick " or Nothing, 232

Nocturne in North Lambeth, 275

No Memory for Faces, 35

Non Taili Auxilio, 297

Notes by Nibbs, 33

Notes from the Church Congress, 191

Notes from the Diary of a City Waiter, 25

"Not for Joe!" 234

Not Fur Enough, 168

Notice to the Public, 53

Odde and Even, 107

Officium cum Dignitate, 77

"Oh, Letts!" 266

Oh. the Joy of it! S8

"Old Times come again no more ! " 239

44 One-Gunner " (A). 105

One Warning More ! 78

On Unimpeachable Authority, 306

Open Door (The), 174

Our Advertisers, 21, 177

Our Booking Office, 74, 189, 193, «fcc.

Our London Lazar-house, 225

Oar Notes and Queries, 130

Our Wheel of Fortune, 290

"4 Out in the Cold," 279

Out of the Way, 102

Oyster and the Grouse (The), 73

Pages from a Diary, 73



Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Keene, Charles
um 1885
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1880 - 1890
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>
Buch <Motiv>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 89.1885, Index, S. 311