Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 42.1908

DOI Heft:
No. 177 (December, 1907)
DOI Artikel:
Baldry, Alfred Lys: The paintings of S. Melton Fisher
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vS. Melton Fisher

"the tambour frame" by s. melton fisher

(In the National Gallery, Perth, Western Australia)

It is because of his success in making this broadly simple brushwork, his sensitive manage-
intention felt that Mr. Melton Fisher has attained ment of gradations of tone and modulations of
the wide popularity which he now enjoys. There colour, his judicious treatment of subtleties of
is no taint of sentimentality in his art; indeed, modelling, show that he has made himself corn-
delicate and daintily fanciful as it is, it lacks pletely a master of the mechanism of his art. Nor
neither virility nor decision of manner, and with does he confine himself to only one medium; as
all its emphatic assertion of a belief in subtleties a pastellist he has made successes quite as great
of suggestion it is yet free from conventionality, as those which he has gained as an oil painter.
That he is a shrewd student of character, that he Indeed, whatever the medium he employs, he
can look closely into the little details which mark arrives always surely at the end which he has in
the points of difference between individuals, is view. A. L. B.
proved by the strength and vitality of his portraits. ,-: -

He paints such a piece of abstract loveliness as In connection with the recent International Art

the head of his Clytie with the same sort of con- Exhibition at Venice, the following awards have

viction that he shows in a portrait like that of been made by the Jury des Recompenses. In the

Miss Rodd, and to both pictures he gives just departments of painting, sculpture, drawing and

that degree of naturalism which is needed to make engraving, Grandes Medailles d'Or are awarded to

them live. As a portrait painter he has done much MM. A. Baertsoen, F. Brangwyn, A.R.A., C.

that deserves frank commendation, and it may be Cottet, Dampt, Josef Israels, Heinrich Knirr,

noted that his happiest efforts in this branch of Boris Kustodieff, Jules Lagae, Philip Laszlo, Cesare

practice include at least as many paintings of Laurenti, E. R. Menard, Gerhard Munthe, and

men as of women: he has by no means limited J. S. Sargent, R.A. In the section of applied art,

himself only to the representation of graceful Herr Barwig, of Vienna, and M. Lalique, of Paris,

femininity. receive gold medals, and special diplomas or gold

Concerning his skill as a craftsman there can be medals are awarded for the decoration of certain

no question; his easy, fluent draughtsmanship and of the salons.