Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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da in Ahmedabad eine neue Industrial-Design-
Schule errichtet werden soll.

in Ahmedabad a new School of Industrial
Design is to be established.

2. Juli 1962
Besuch einer Gruppe von 13 amerikanischen
Dekanen, Direktoren und Professoren von
Industrial-Design- und Architekturschulen
sowie Kunstakademien. Die Gäste besichtigten
die ständige Ausstellung der HfG. Im Anschluß
daran fand eine lebhafte Diskussion über
pädagogische Fragen statt. Man erwog einen
regelmäßigen Austausch von Erfahrungen
zwischen amerikanischen Industrial-Design-
Schulen und Ulm. Die Besucher waren:
Prof. Albert Christ-Janer, Dekan des Pratt
Institute, New York. Prof. Dana P. Vaughan,
Dekan der Cooper Union School of Art
and Architecture, New York. Prof. Bibon
A. Danes, Dekan der School of Art and Archi-
tecture, Yale University, New Haven. Prof. Jay
Doblin, Direktor des Institute of Design
des IIT, Chicago. Prof. Norman L. Rice,
Dekan des Carnegie Institute of Technology
und des College of Fine Arts, Pittsburgh.
Prof. Dr. Gordon Gilkey, Dekan der Faculty
for Applied Art der University of Oregon.
David L. Strout, Vizepräsident und Dekan
der Rhode Island School of Design. Joseph
McCullough, Direktor des Cleveland Institute
of Art. Dr. Andrew W. Morgan, Präsident
des Kansas City Art Institute and School
of Design. Howard O. Brown, Dekan des
Design Department der Cranebrook Academy
of Art, Michigan. Prof. Wilh. Faiss, Prof, of
History of Art and Applied Art. Prof. Carl
Drerup, Prof, of Fine Arts am Plymouth-
Teacher-Seminar. Prof. James Prestini, Asso-
ciate Prof, of Design, Department of Archi-
tecture, University of California.

July 2nd, 1962
Visit of a group of 13 American Deans, Direc-
tors and Professors from schools of industrial
design, architecture and the arts. The guests
visited the permanent internal exhibition of
the HfG. Afterwards there was a lively
discussion on pedagogical issues. The
question of a regulär exchange of experiences
between American schools of industrial
design and the HfG was raised. The visitors
were: Prof. Albert Christ-Janer, Dean of the
Pratt Institute, New York. Prof. Bibon A.
Danes, Dean of the School of Art and Archi-
tecture, Yale University, New Haven. Prof.
Dana P. Vaugham, Dean of the Cooper Union
School of Art and Architecture, New York.
Prof. Jay Doblin, Director of the Institute of
Design of the IIT, Chicago. Prof. Norman L.
Rice, Dean of the Carnegie Institute of Tech-
nology and of the College of Fine Arts,
Pittsburgh. Prof. Dr. Gordon Gilkey, Dean of
the Faculty for Applied Art of the University
of Oregon. David L. Strout, Vice President
and Dean of the Rhode Island School of
Design. Joseph McCullough, Director of the
Cleveland Institute of Art. Dr. Andrew W.
Morgan, President of the Kansas City Art
Institute and School of Design. Howard O.
Brown, Dean of the Design Department of the
Cranebrook Academy of Art, Michigan. Prof.
William Faiss, Prof, of History of Art and
Applied Art. Prof. Carl Drerup, Prof, of Fine
Arts at the Plymouth-Teacher-Seminar. Prof.
James Prestini, Associate Prof, of Design,
Department of Architecture, University of

28. und 29. Juli 1962
Besuch einer Gruppe von Persönlichkeiten
aus dem kulturellen Leben Argentiniens:
Prof. Blas Gonzales, Ministerialdirektor
für Kultur im Erziehungsministerium der
Republik Argentinien. Prof. Dr. Jorge Romero
Brest, Direktor des Nationalmuseums für
Bildende Künste, Buenos Aires.
Dr. Ignacio Pirovano, Industrieller und Mit-
glied des Nationalrats für technische Erziehung.
Architekt Amancio Williams, Mitglied der
Nationalakademie für Bildende Künste und
des Kuratoriums der Katholischen Universität.
Prof. Kenneth Kemble-Smith, Maler und Pro-
fessor an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste,
Buenos Aires.

July 28th and 29th, 1962
Visit of a group of Personalities of Argentine
cultural life: Prof. Blas Gonzales, Ministerial
Director for Culture in the Ministry of Edu-
cation. Prof. Dr. Jorge Romero Brest, Director
of the National Museum of Fine Arts.
Dr. Ignacio Pirovano, industrialist and Member
of the National Board of Technical Education.
Amancio Williams, Architect and Member of
the National Academy of Fine Arts and of the
Board of the Catholic University. Prof. Kenneth
Kemble-Smith, painter and Professor at the
College of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires.

31. August 1962
Besuch einer Gruppe von 32 britischen Indu-
striellen und Vertretern des Council of Indu-
strial Design. Herr Maldonado erläuterte den
Gästen den Aufbau der HfG und zeigte
Lichtbilder von den Arbeiten aus dem Unterricht
und aus den Instituten. Die Gäste besichtigten
die Werkstätten und die ständige interne
Ausstellung der HfG.

August 31st, 1962
Visit of a group of 32 managers of British
Industries and of repräsentatives of the
Council of Industrial Design. Mr. Tomas Mal-
donado explained the organizational structure
of the school and showed slides of the
educational activities and the work of the
institutes. The guests visited the workshops
and the permanent internal exhibition of
the HfG.
