Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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of a bear wearing a helmet, which is said to have been found by Bernini
when rebuilding the church of S. Bibiana, see Baldinucci, Vita del Bernini ;
Adinolfi, Roma nell’ eta di mezzo, i. 282 ; Arm. 804-806 ; T. vi. 10).
Ustrinum Antoninorum : the name given by Bianchini in 1703 to the
remains of a structure discovered in that year under the Casa della
Missione, just north-west of the Piazza di Monte Citorio. This building,
with an orientation like that of the columns of Antoninus and Marcus
Aurelius, consisted of three square enclosures, one within another. The
two inner enclosure walls were of travertine ; the outer consisted of a
travertine kerb, on which stood pillars of the same material with an iron
grating between them. The innermost enclosure was 13 metres square,
the second 23, and the outer 30 metres square. A free space, 3 metres
wide, was left between the first and second walls and between the second
and third. The entrance was on the south.
According to the usual view, this was the funeral pyre on which the
bodies of the Antonines were burned. It is also possible that it may
have been a great altar, attached to the column of Antoninus, on which
sacrifices were offered at the deification of the emperors (for Bianchini’s
description, still in MS., see Mitt. 1889, 48-64). Lanciani suggests
(RL xiii. 1908, 92) that this may have been the ustrinum Antonini Pii
et Faustinae, while another similar structure, of which the ruins were
found in 1907 just a little to the north-east of the first, was the ustrinum
M. Aurelii Antonini (NS 1907, 525-528, 681 ; 1909, IO-II ; 1915, 322;
BC 1907, 326-327 ; 1908,86; 1909,113; BA 1910, 315; SR 1913, 1-13 ;
AA 1913, 140-143 ; PT 60, 75,76).
Ustrinum Domus Augustae : the name in current use for the καύστρα,
or crematory, belonging to the mausoleum of Augustus (q.v.) in the
campus Martius, and described by Strabo (v. 3. 9, p. 236) as an enclosure
of travertine with a metal grating, presumably on top of the wall, and
planted inside with black poplars. Excavations in 1777 at the corner
of the Corso and Via degli Otto Cantoni brought to light six large
rectangular cippi of travertine, with inscriptions of various members of
the domus Augusta, the three sons of Germanicus, his daughter, Tiberius
the son of Drusus, and a certain Vespasianus (CIL vi. 888-893) and a
fine alabaster urn (HF 213). It is very probable that these cippi,
or at any rate the first three, which all end with the formula ‘ hie crematus
est,’ belonged to the ustrinum, and that this lay on the east side of the
mausoleum (HJ 620) ; while the fourth and fifth, which bear the formula
hie situs (or sita) est, may have belonged to the mausoleum. Hirschfeld,
however, excludes this possibility, mainly because of the material and
form of the cippi (Berl. Sitz. Ber. 1886, H55-ll56 = Kleine Schriften,


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