Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studia Waweliana — 11/​12.2002-2003

DOI article:
Janicki, Marek A.: Zaginione inskrypcje poetyckie katedry wawelskiej (do końca XVI wieku): Część I: Epitafia biskupie i królewskie
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The materiał is discussed in two sections: section I contains a
discussion of the writings whose epigraphic publication has been
unequivocally corroborated in sources or in epigraphic editions, such
as Szymon Starowolski’s Monumenta Sarmatarum. Section II
concerns the compositions for which we now have no such
unequivocal confirmation, but which by their character and by the
formulas used in them point to their epigraphic purpose. Perhaps a
continuation of an inquiry in archival materiał and ołd prints will

bring such confirmations; however, for the time being these
compositions are described as Dubia epigraphica.

Part II of the study. in preparation, will comprise a discussion of
the epitaphs of cathedral canons and of representatives of the
powerful nobility interred in the cathedral, as well as non-sepulchral
epigraphs, such as, for instance, the text of the oldest Polish hymn
Bogurodzica [Mother of God] placed on the panel near the altar of
St Stanislaus.