Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Deutsches Archäologisches Institut / Abteilung Athen [Editor]
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung — 14.1889

DOI issue:
Heft 2
DOI article:
Ramsay, William Mitchell: Syro-Cappadocian monuments in Asia Minor
DOI Page / Citation link: 

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are said to be stones and walls on this hill. Near the inscri-
bed stone one can trace an elevation in the soil running in a
curve for a long distance: it bas all the appearance tbat is as-
sumed by a strong city-wall, wben it bas been unused for
many centuries and left to decay and become covered with
accumulated soil. 1 made a flying visit to Kölitolu during a
journey to Cappadocia, wben i could only devote an bour or
two to tliis point. There can be iittle donbt tbat tbis stone is
eitber on tlie site or in the neighbourhood of the ancient Tyri-
aion (see my (lities and Bisboprics of Pbrygia, Π, in Jonrn.
Hell. stud. 1887 p. 491).

FiG. 3.
5. The next inscription (lig. 3) is on a large block of stone,
(1 tbink a tracbytic stone), which 1 dug out of the side of an
artificial tumulus about an Englisb mile south of Bey Keui,
6 hours from Aßom Kara Hissar on the old ora&n road to
Iiutayak 1 copied tbis inscription in August 1884: it is not
far from the site of the northern Metropolis of Phrygia, and
is witbin two miles of the ^ Lion Monuments'^ (Journ. Hell.
Stud. 1888, p. 367). ln this monument we see all the characte-
ristics of the bieroglypbic inscriptions: the symbols are in
two broad lines separated by a narrow band in relief: the
lines are written βουστροφηδόν, for the foot in the upper line

^ A new araba road has been recently constructed by the Turkish govern-
ment; it is almost on the same line as the horse-road taa Aityntasb,