Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale <al-Qāhira> [Hrsg.]; Mission Archéologique Française <al-Qāhira> [Hrsg.]
Recueil de travaux relatifs à la philologie et à l'archéologie égyptiennes et assyriennes: pour servir de bullletin à la Mission Française du Caire — 36.1914

DOI Heft:
Nr. 1-2
DOI Artikel:
Gardiner, Alan H.: Notes on the story of Sinuhe, [7]
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L. — The London ostracon 5629, see op. cit., p. 5. Collated with the original in the
British Muséum.

OB'. — The Berlin potsherd or ostracon P 12341, published in facsimile and transcrip-
tion in Hierat. Texte aus den kôniglichen Museen, III, 42 (appeared in 1911). The
recto contains accounts from about the end of the Hyksos period. The verso has,
in the same writing, a few words from the much-disputed passage R58-60 = B34-
36. This I discovered too late to utilize for my commentary as it appeared in the
Recueil de Travaux.

OB2. —■ Berlin ostracon P 12379, a pièce of limestone discovered by me in July 1911
among the ostraca brought back by Dr. Môller in the preceding season. This
bears in bold 19th. Dynasty hieratic a duplicate of parts of the passage B273-279.
Utilized in my commentary, and published in facsimile in the accompanying

OB3. — Berlin ostracon P12623, a large pièce of inscribed limestone found by Doctor
Môller near the tomb of Sennozem (no. 1) at Der el Medineh (spring 1913). The
writing is not unlike that of C, and belongs to a 19th. or 20th. Dynasty hand.
The recto contains the greater portion of Rl-19, and the verso a more damaged
duplicate of R 49-68 = B 25-44. This valuable new document is published for
the first time in the following pages, from photographs and notes provided by
Dr. Môller.

OB1. — Berlin ostracon P 12624, a smaller limestone fragment discovered at the same
time and place as the preceding, which it resembles in its handwriting. A du-
plicate of R38-51 = B13-27. Publication as last.

OP'. — A small fragment of limestone with a few words from the passage R47-50
— B 22-25. From the Pétrie collection (no. 58), date about Dynasty 19-20. Not
utilized in the commentary.

OP2. — Pétrie ostracon 12, a small limestone fragment found among a large collection
entrusted to me by Professor Pétrie; soil-stained, and faint in places. The writing
is of the 19th. or 20th. Dynasty; the recto contains portions of B 236-245, the verso
portions of B 248-253. Utilized in my commentary and here published in fac-

OP3. — A small chip of limestone, with some words from B250-256 discovered in 1913
among Professor Petrie's ostraca (no. 59). Probably 19th. or 20th. Dynasty.
Not utilized in the commentary.

By the newly-discovered parallel texts the synoptic table of correspondences in
my Berlin volume {op. cit., p. 7) is rendered incomplète; but it is also rendered un-
necessary by the text that is given in the following pages. This only includes those
parts of the taie where duplicates exist. For the rest recourse must be had to my fac-
simile édition. A few errors in the latter are correctecl below, and the reasons for the
corrections are as a rule indicated in footnotes. Restorations are in square brackets.
Signs unclerlined, as well as the verse-points, are in red.