Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 88.1924

DOI Heft:
No. 379 (October 1924)
DOI Artikel:
[Notes: one hundred and ninety-three illustrations]
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(Tokyo Academy of Fine Arts)

has clearly been shown in other branches other things, " and the noble art cultivates

of art and in different phases of our the character of the people and refines

national life as well. Traditional music their taste. It was more than gratifying

has been discarded and a rush made for to see the artistic spirit of our people being

" foreign music." Enthusiasm shown by gradually developed and widely spread

school children throughout the country with the advancement of our culture,

for " Western opera " has set older people However, how lamentable it would be

thinking. An absorbing interest in things should the terrible catastrophe of the last

new, in something different from what autumn so vitally affect us both materially

others before them have been used to, and mentally as to devastate the minds of

is not, of course, confined to our people our people and to lower their character

alone. But such a shock as the great and taste. It is for you to strive further

disaster of a year ago and the recent to develop your art and also to cultivate

conduct towards our people by America your virtues to the end that you may add

are expected to have some effect on the to the glory of our art and thus contribute

mind of our people to modify the tendency to the uplifting of the character of our

of modern times just indicated. The people." 0 0 0 0 0

people are watching with interest for a An exhibition of works by the graduates,

change, for a new development. 0 0 held in the classrooms, was full of interest.

The words of the Minister of Education The accompanying illustrations will show

to the graduates of the art school at the qualities of some of the works done at the

Commencement exercises were to the Tokyo Academy of Fine Arts, the highest

point. " Noble qualities of a nation are public institution of the kind in the

symbolized by its art," said he, amongst country. Jiro Harada.
