Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Band 3): The great transitional age in the northern and eastern sections of the Palace — London, 1930

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§ 6a. Discovery of 'Spiral Ceiling' and 'Miniature Frescoes'
derived from corner sanctuary—date and comparative materials ;
Embroidered Designs on Holy Robe.

Small corner Sanctuary containing remains of ' Spiral Ceiling'. and
Miniature Frescoes ; These fallen from Upper Chamber ; The ' Spiral Ceiling'
—Egyptian analogies; Parallel from Tomb of Senmut; Mature L. M. I
decorative style; The ' Miniature Frescoes'—triple group; Chronological
materials ; Fragments found on M. M. Ill floor—law governing discoveries
of fresco remains; M. M. Ill date of frescoes ascertained; Fragments from
Thirteenth Magazine; Characteristic specimen beneath base-blocks of later
facade; Fragment from '■Ivory Deposit'; True ' Miniahore' style obsolete by
L. M. I; M.M. Ill date of ' Miniature' fragments from Tylissos; Boxers
as on Why ton—unique bronze vessel; Frescoes from 'Ramp House' at Mycenae;
Fragments from ' Threshing-Floor heap'; Miniature designs from embroideries
on female robe; Embossed bands; Comparison with painted reliefs from
Pseira ; Pairs of flutes ; Flutes in sacrificial scene on II; Triada sarcophagus ;
Bulls head trophy between pair of Sphinxes; Embroidered swallows on robe
of Melian fresco ; ' Miniature' fragments of Threshing-floor heap, perhaps
from robe of Goddess ; Commanding position of Shrine, at angle of Central
Court and N. Entrance ; Its small dimensions ; Miniature Frescoes set over-
gypsum dadoes, on line of vision.

The fact that the Western of the two larger basement chambers Small
described in the preceding Section was provided, according to its original Sanc.
structure, with a central pier leads to the conclusion (adopted by Mr. W. G. iaaiY-
Newton in the Restored Plan C)' that there had been a room with a central
column above it, such as elsewhere seems to have been the arrangement
above pillar crypts. We may even assign to it a certain religious destination.

This square, presumably columnar, chamber, opened by its S.W. angle
into a smaller oblong space, having, apparently, a cell-like recess at its
Northern end. Despite its narrow dimensions, this structure held one of the
most conspicuous positions in the whole of the building. It occupied, in fact,
the corner space at the point where the Northern Entrance Passage entered
the Central Court, and, standing as it did well above the ascending gang-
way, it would have received light from that side as well as from the Court.

1 At the end of Vol. ii.