Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Band 3): The great transitional age in the northern and eastern sections of the Palace — London, 1930

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Libyan ' beehive' tombs cited for comparison in this work, the sepulchral
vault itself represented a primitive type of dwelling, maintained in use for
the dead by religious conservatism.

It is to be observed that this earlier type of vault coexisted with
another in which a certain advance had been made, the stone curves pro-
jecting with a slight tilt and being completed with a key-stone rather than
a cap-stone. Again, in another case, there was ' a true dome built in stone V

We have here, in fact, a perfect analogy for what is found at Mycenae.
There, too, vaulted tombs representing different typological stages coexisted,2
and there is no warrant for drawing chronological conclusions from the
structual variation.

At the same time, the existence of these very early examples of the
' tholos' type of tomb on Chaldaean soil enhances the possibility that it
made its way to the Aegean lands from the Asiatic side.

It was already pointed out in the second volume of this work, and Fresh

before these epoch-making discoveries, that the Minoan form of lyre, as first 0fMinoan

seen on seals of the hieroglyphic class, was essentially a derivation from the '-ndebted-

0 J.* -."•■.. ness t0

old Chaldaean, as found at Tello.3 The gazelles' heads with which—through early

Egypt in that case—the later Minoan lyres were decorated, are now seen to ^^

find still more remote predecessors in the horned heads of bulls and stags

such as adorned the harps of the royal musicians, whose sacrificed remains

were found with them in this and other royal tombs of Ur. Nor can we

omit to notice that the golden sprays of leaves and flowers that bedecked

the head-dresses, alike of departed queens and of the Court ladies sent to

accompany them to the World below, curiously recall the similar adornments

found in Early Minoan graves at Mochlos and elsewhere.*

The same remote indebtedness has been traced above in the case of

the Early Cretan bull 'rhytons'. Directly and indirectly, often indeed

through circuitous Nilotic channels, the debt of Minoan Crete to the still

older civilization of Sumeria becomes more and more apparent.

timbers across the opening and put over these hive Tombs of Mycenae, pp. 67, 68, and com-

planks on which straw and light earth were pare P. of M., ii, Pt. I, p. 41 seqq.

piled to support the upper part of the domed 3 Ibid., ii, Pt. II, p. 834 seqq., and cf.

roof. This centering was left in position and Figs. 532-4.

made a false ceiling.' 4 Ibid., ii, Pt. I, p. 260 seqq., and cf- Figs.

1 Ibid., 3T2. 156, 157.

2 See my remarks in Shaft Graves and Bee-
