Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Band 3): The great transitional age in the northern and eastern sections of the Palace — London, 1930

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I 85. East Treasury (later, Archives) and Derivative Relics :
Bone Fish with Alphabetiform Signs.

Windoivless chambers for Stores and Treasure; ' The Lair'; Early
' kalderim' pavement below with contemporary door-jambs ; Clay and plaster
floors (M. M. IIT) of later store-room ; Relics fallen from Treasure Chamber
above; Extension of deposit under Stairs—' The Ivory Deposit' ; Parallel
stratification imder Stairs; M. M. If lb pedest'ailed Vases at top—their
Egyptian ■ pedigree ; Fragments of Miniature Fresco found with ' Foory
Deposit' relating to Bull Sports; Upper Treasury Chamber later used for
Archives—sealiugs and tablets of Linear Class B; Relics from ' Treasury'
also found in ' Room of Stone Bench' ; Faience plaq7t,es as from ' Temple
Repositories'; Parts of Foory Casket and Wooden Chest; Rock-crystal bowl;
Pendant in form of gold heart—similar amulets; Gold fish—Scarus
Cretensis/ The lion jewel; Deposit in Drain Shaft; Bone ' fish' with alpha-
betiform signs ; Simple geometrical character of such signs ; fulayers signary ;
Accompanied by varying numbers ; Segments of bracelets zvith similar marks
and numbers ; Were both classes of objects used for game ?

This most private Section of the 'Domestic Quarter', to which the Window-
' Queen's Megaron' with its dependencies including the 'Toilette Room' ciiam.
belongs, together with the corresponding 'thalamos' system above, wraps ber3 for
round, as it were, both on.the lower and upper floor, a windowless chamber and
such as would seem naturally designed for stores or archives. These reasures-
secluded spaces were in each case only approached by a doorway opening
from the passage that borders this section on the North Side. (See Fig. 265,
over page, and cf. Fig. 266 and Plans E and F in the Cover at the end of
this Volume.)

Mention has already been made of the lower of these rooms in the
preliminary survey of the ' Domestic Quarter' given in the First Volume of
this work.1 At the time of its first discovery it was jocosely known as ' The 'The
Lair'. Its original flooring, consisting of massive limestone blocks and Early'
belonging to the 'kalderim' class,2 was simply an extension—at practically 'ka.'- ,
the same level—of the earliest pavement visible in the 'Queen's Megaron' pave-
and bath-room. Along its Western border this pavement was underlain by ™e^n'v

1 P. of M., i, p. 325 seqq. merit had a special precautionary significance

2 In my original Report (Knossos, Excavs., in relation to the Store Room, and were to
1902 ; B.S.A., viii, p. 68) it was mistakenly prevent the entrance of robbers by the great
suggested that the great blocks of this pave- built drain below.