gence of
ivory boy-
God in the
kind before the Fourth Century b. c.1
The eyelids are here accentuated, the
lower being set into the upper with a
delicate effect in the shadowing. The
pupils are indicated by drilled holes.
The upper lip somewhat protrudes and
the finely cut though dilated nose is
slightly ' tip-tilted ', giving an impres-
sion very different from that produced
by the rather classical profile of the
' Fitzwilliam Goddess'. It might be
the head of a young girl of to-day and,
unlike most Minoan representations,
bears a personal stamp. That it re-
flects so manifestly the individual style
of an artist will be found to be of great
interest when we come to compare it
with what seems to be a complement-
ary work belonging to the same
Though the back of the head is
not so well preserved, there are traces
of the hair falling down behind in
natural tresses, which again closely
compare with those of the young boy
seen in the fellow production.
So fine is the whole execution of
this head that, as has been rightly
observed, it gains rather than loses by
its enlargement to three diameters as in
Fig. 307,—an observation also true of
the closely related little male figure.
For a second remarkable resurg-
ence from the soil of Crete has brought
1 See Prof. K. A. Gardners remarks in
Ancient Egypt, 1915, Pt. II, p. 50, and cf.
L. D. Caskey, Am, Journ. of Arch., xix (1915),
p. 240. Prof. Gardner observes ' that the head
recalls rather the sculptures of Rheims and F]0_ 306 Faience FiGURjNE 0f Snake
Bamberg, but it looks more modern '. Goddess, or of Ministrant in Her Guise.
2 See below, p. 454 seqq. Temple Repository, Knossos (|).
gence of
ivory boy-
God in the
kind before the Fourth Century b. c.1
The eyelids are here accentuated, the
lower being set into the upper with a
delicate effect in the shadowing. The
pupils are indicated by drilled holes.
The upper lip somewhat protrudes and
the finely cut though dilated nose is
slightly ' tip-tilted ', giving an impres-
sion very different from that produced
by the rather classical profile of the
' Fitzwilliam Goddess'. It might be
the head of a young girl of to-day and,
unlike most Minoan representations,
bears a personal stamp. That it re-
flects so manifestly the individual style
of an artist will be found to be of great
interest when we come to compare it
with what seems to be a complement-
ary work belonging to the same
Though the back of the head is
not so well preserved, there are traces
of the hair falling down behind in
natural tresses, which again closely
compare with those of the young boy
seen in the fellow production.
So fine is the whole execution of
this head that, as has been rightly
observed, it gains rather than loses by
its enlargement to three diameters as in
Fig. 307,—an observation also true of
the closely related little male figure.
For a second remarkable resurg-
ence from the soil of Crete has brought
1 See Prof. K. A. Gardners remarks in
Ancient Egypt, 1915, Pt. II, p. 50, and cf.
L. D. Caskey, Am, Journ. of Arch., xix (1915),
p. 240. Prof. Gardner observes ' that the head
recalls rather the sculptures of Rheims and F]0_ 306 Faience FiGURjNE 0f Snake
Bamberg, but it looks more modern '. Goddess, or of Ministrant in Her Guise.
2 See below, p. 454 seqq. Temple Repository, Knossos (|).