
Adenstedt, Ingrid; Krinzinger, Friedrich [Hrsg.]
Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos, die Wohneinheiten 1 und 2: Baubefund, Ausstattung, Funde (Textband 1): Textband Wohneinheit 1 — Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2010

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In Terrace House 2 four building phases can be observed: building phase I constitutes the erection of the insula H 2 in Augustan-Tibe-
rian times. Building phase II refers to rebuildings in the Flavian-Trajanic period. Building phase III is related to the construction of the
so-called Basilica (room 8) in dwelling unit 6 in the mid 2nd Century AD. Whereas this Installation involved massive structural activities
in some parts of the dwelling units 4 and 5, in dwellings units 1 and 2 only two walls between units 1 and 4 can be assigned to this
building phase. In building phase IV in the late-Severan period refurbishments und re-decorations can be determined. Building phase IV’
marks structural activities, which took place after building phase IV and before the final destruction in the 3rd quarter of the 3rd Century

Building Phase I
In late-Augustan-Tiberian times a peristyle house was erected over the ruins of a working area from the late-Hellenistic period; the
entrance can be reconstructed from STG 1. The dating is based on singulär complexes of fmds and is backed up by analogical examples
in the neighbouring housing units.
The centre of the house consisted of a peristyle court, the main rooms were grouped around it on the northern, eastem and Western
sides. The Service rooms lay in the northeast. The housing unit probably had an upper story, which was accessible from the Southwest
corner of the courtyard. On the same level of the reconstructed upper floor lay the Hanghausstrasse, flanking the building on the South-
ern side. Its construction is likely to correspond with the erection of the insula of terrace house 2. In contrast to the other housing units
in terrace house 2, housing unit 1 does not possess a shaft-well. However, a canal System has existed since the erection of unit 1. From
the original decoration of the walls and floors, the mosaic floor of the large hall SR 1/6 and fragments of a white-grounded wall paint-
ing in SR 1/6 and SR 2 are preserved; all further decor of this building phase was removed or covered-up in the course of subsequent
remodelling procedures.
The pottery and small fmds excavated in the levelling layers for building phase II can - with reservation - be counted to the inventory
of the peristyle house of the lst Century AD. Among these are not only a high percentage of tableware made of terra sigillata and glass,
but also several clay masks (pscilla), which were probably suspended in the intercolumnia of the courtyards. These elements particu-
larly belonged to the decoration of houses in the westem part of the Roman Empire in early-Imperial times and cannot be found in
terrace house 2 from the 2nd Century AD onward.
Almost all of the rooms were considerably altered in later building phases, therefore very little of the original building structure remains.
For this reason, a complete reconstruction of the floor plan but also of the decoration and of inventory details is not possible.

Building Phase II
The remodelling in the Flavian-Trajanic period brought substantial changes in the structure of the floor plan of housing unit 1. The
exact dating of this remodelling results from the fmds of the levelling layers. Because of their quantity but also their composition, they
are very significant. They also correspond with further fmds in the housing units 3 and 5.
The peristyle court SR 2 and the hall SR 1/6 remained intact, in the south the erection of GEW A, B, C as well as the latrine SR 2a and
the staircase SR 2b, which made the upper story accessible, created a further series of rooms and thus extended the living space. The
large hall SR 8/14 in the north was divided and the elongated rooms SR 11/12 and SR 15/18 were altered into four small, almost quad-
ratic cubicula. In the northeast the bath SR 3, which could be heated from SR 4, was erected, following to the north was the actual
Service area, to the west distributor room SR 7. The main entrance into the housing unit probably lay in the southeast, a second entrance
led via SR 4 into the Service area. In building phase II a door in SR 8 connected housing unit 1 to the upper story of unit 4, through
which the shared usage of certain areas, especially the Service areas, can be expected. In this case, the kitchen and the bath could be
used by the dwellers of housing unit 1 as well as housing unit 4.
Of the mosaics of this building phase, pavements with a geometric decor in SR 18, SR 14 and probably in GEW A and B are preserved.
Due to pottery fmds, the first mosaic can defmitely be dated to the end of the lst resp. the beginning of the 2nd Century AD, whereas the
Classification of the floors in GEW A and B and SR 14 can only be made through the sequence of the building procedures. Minor frag-
ments of a white-grounded Fe/Jer-LzTewew-painting of this building phase exist in the rooms SR 1/6, SR 2, SR 11/12 and SR 14. Frag-
ments of thin marble panels and profiled borders document the existence of marble panelled walls in the bath SR 3.
Building Phase IV
The following remodelling phase dates to the 3rd Century AD. At this time, the floors in the courtyard SR 2 and the adjacent rooms were
lifted. Furthermore, following a destruction, the bath was completely remodelled on a higher level. The large hall SR 1/6 was divided
into the triclinium SR 6 and the Vestibüle SR 1, the mosaic floor of building phase I was maintained though. With SR la representative
