Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Instytut Sztuki (Warschau) [Editor]; Państwowy Instytut Sztuki (bis 1959) [Editor]; Stowarzyszenie Historyków Sztuki [Editor]
Biuletyn Historii Sztuki — 73.2011

DOI issue:
Nr. 1-2
DOI article:
Wołowicz, Agnieszka: Pierwowzory graficzne płaskorzeźb skrzydeł bocznych pałacu wilanowskiego
DOI Page / Citation link: 

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In the year 1720, Wilanów passed into the hands of
the Elżbieta Sieniawska of the Lubomirskis, Hetman
to the Grand Crown. Almost immediately after
purchasing the Wilanów estate, conservation and
renovation was commenced at Sieniawska's request
alongside as extending her new residence. Side
wings were raised down to 1730 that were decorated
under the supervision of Pietro Innocentę
Comparetti and Francesco Fumo. In all likelihood,
the latter-named of these Italian stucco artists was
responsible for the bas-relief work decorating the
side-wing elevation archivolts facing the courtyard,
dating from the second half of the 1720s and
inspired by Ovid's AFefumo/yAos'es'.
In composing all fifteen representations, the
creator of the bas-reliefs drew inspiration from pre-
existing graphic materials. The prints made use of
by the artist had Erst appeared in a book published
in Paris in 1676 by Isaac de Benserade titled
AfeA/77!07pAos*es' <7'Gv?'<76 67? rwrAeaav 77??^7V7?7ez et
677716/? A <7607^7*6 <76 &7 M<7/6Xf6 6^ <76<7?6Z

<7 Afo7?x67g7?62?r A DazrpAz'r?, having been carried out
by esteemed French engravers, Sebastien Le Clerc
and Franęois Chauveau. The illustrations of both
artists enjoyed considerable popularity, reappearing
in successive editions of M6la77?07pAos'6S' <7 '6ht<76 67?
7^7?<76<2?7v in Amsterdam from 1679, 1697 and 1714.
The same prints, only in mirror reproduction, were
placed in the German publication published in
Augsburg around 1690: Die Fg7iv<27?<7/?z7?g67? <76s*
Ovz'<7z'?'.* 77? ZW6y/zMT?<767t ?ZT?<7 ^ecAs'-ZZT?^ ZlV<37?fZ7g*
In the main article, three out of all fifteen bas-
reliefs decorating the courtyard-facing side-wings of
Wilanów Palace whose graphic sources are to be
found in the above-mentioned editions of
Af6A77?707y/?oyes' are dealt with: 'Jupiter and
Antiope', 'Neptune and Theophane' and 'The Rape
of Europe'. For the obvious reason that the Wilanów
bas-reliefs also represent mirror reflections of the
French originals, comparative analysis has been
earned out on the basis of the Augsburg publication.

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