Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 30.1906/​1907(1907)

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STUDIO vol. xxx

FEBRUARY, 1907; NUMBERS 117 TO 120


Adams, IV. Dacres. The Water Colours and Oil Paintings of. Seven Illustrations . . .127
Art of Printing Etchings. By Frank Newbolt. Eight Illustrations ....... 134
Arts-Crafts Society of Denver, The. By Alice M. Best. Six Illustrations.cxiv
Austro-Hungarian, Old Peasant Furniture. By A. S. Levetus. Twenty-seven Illustrations . . 224
Baertsoen, Albert. Some Recent Etchings by. By Henri Frantz. Six Illustrations .... 39
Bankart, G. P., of Some Recent Plaster Work by. By Aymer Vallance. Eleven Illustrations . . 145
Barbizon Pictures, Some. Collection of Mr. Alexander Young—III. By E. G. Halton. Thirty Illustra-
tions 193
Best, Alice M. Arts-Crafts Society of Denver. Six Illustrations ....... cxiv
Boston Museum. Exhibition of American Silver of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, at the.
Thirteen Illustrations .............. iii
Brangwyn’s, Mr. Frank. New Panel for the Royal Exchange. By A. S. Covey. Six Illustrations 239
Coburn, Frederick W. Individual Treatment of the Picture Frame. Six Illustrations . . . xii
Competition (International Studio). Summer Photographic. Four Illustrations ..... xvi
Corots, The. The Collection of Mr. Alexander Young. By E. G. Halton. Twenty Illustrations . 3
Covey, A. S. Mr. Frank Brangwyn’s New Panel for the Royal Exchange. Six Illustrations . . 239
Cranston’s, Miss, Argyle Street Tea House. Modern Decorative Art at Glasgow. By J. Taylor. Seven
Illustrations ............... 31
Current Art Events. Six Illustrations ........... Iii, xxxi
Daubignys, The. The Collection of Mr. Alexander Young—II. By E. G. Halton. Thirty-five Illustra-
tions ................. 99
Denver Arts-Crafts Society. By Alice M. Best. Six Illustrations ....... cxiv
Domestic Architecture, Recent Designs in. Twenty-four Illustrations . . . . . 50, 141, 233
Drawings and Sketches by Modern Masters. By T. Martin Wood. Nine Tllustrat’ons, . . . 334
East, Alfred, A.R.A. Pencil Drawing from Nature- Twelve Illustrations ..... 23
English Drawing. The Landscape and Figure Sketches of the Older Masters. By T. Martin Wood.
Eleven Illustrations .............. 119
Evans Collection at the National Arts Club. Two Illustrations ....... xlix
Exhibition of American Silver of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries at the Boston Museum.
Thirteen Illustrations .............. iii
Exhibition of Architecture and Applied Arts, by Pennsylvania Academy and T-Square Club. By Leila
Mechlin. Eleven Illustrations ........... lxxxv
Exhibition of Arts-Crafts at the Art Institute of Chicago. By Maud I. G. Oliver. Five Illustrations cx
Exhibition of the National Society of Craftsmen, The. By Eva Lovett. Six Illustrations . . . Ixx
Exhibition of Russian Art in Paris. By Henri Frantz. Eight Illustrations ..... 319
Exhibition of the Society of Twenty-five English Painters, The Second. Eleven Illustrations . . 150
Exhibition, Winter, of the National Academy of Design. By Arthur Hoeber. Twelve Illustrations . xcvi

Frantz, Henri. The Exhibition of Russian Art in Paris. Eight Illustrations .....
Some Recent Etchings by Albert Baertsoen. Six Illustrations .......
Glasgow. Modern Decorative Art at: Some Notes on Miss Cranston’s Argyle Street Tea House. By
J. Taylor. Seven Illustrations ............

Halton, E. G. The Collection of Mr. Alexander Young. I. The Corots. Twenty Illustrations. . 3
II. The Daubignys. Thirty-five Illustrations . ... . . . . . .99
III. Some Barbizon Pictures. Thirty Illustrations ......... 193
IV. The Modern Dutch Pictures. Thirty Illustrations ........ 287
Hoeber, Arthur. Winter Exhibition of the National Academy of Design. Twelve Illustrations . . xcvi

Imperial Arts and Crafts Schools, Vienna. By A. S. Levetus. Twenty-eight Illustrations
Individual Treatment of the Picture Frame. By Frederick W. Coburn. Six Illustrations

King’s Sanatorium, The, at Midhurst, and its Chapel. Seven Illustrations .
Khnopff, Fernand. The Art of the Late Alfred Stevens, Belgian Painter. Ten Illustrations
Lay Figure, The—
On Misplaced Confidence ...........
On An Insult to Nature ...........
On Missed Opportunities ...........

