Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Lyons, Henry G.
A report on the island and temples of Philae — London, 1896

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narrow passage runs round the sanctuary, but the pavement here has not settled, the two walls probably supporting it. From this passage two chambers
open out on the north side, which can only be approximately measured up, as so many blocks have been removed; and the same applies to the two
corresponding chambers on the south side.

The sanctuary was entered by double doors, and here not only are the two hinge blocks of granite in situ in the hinge holes, but also the square
bronze plugs, '022 x '022 metre, on which the pin of the door turned are still in the centre of the hinge blocks, and in the southern one the slight
depression worn by the turning of the door can be felt. These bronze plugs were run in with lead.

In this latter case too the channel cut in the pavement in order to hang the door is still filled up with two small blocks of stone.

In nearly all the blocks pieces of the wooden dovetailed clamps were found, some being well preserved.

This temple appears to have been built on the site of a part of the old Temenos wall of the Temple of Isis (M), which now cannot be traced between
the west stairway (V) and the Coptic Church (I*).


Letter P.

Number 15.

Level Number 11.

This Coptic Church, in the northern part of the island, was cleared some years ago by Mr. Fisk, and the only addition made in this year's
work was the discovery of a Coptic inscription referring to the repair of the church.

This inscription, which is cut on the reverse side of a block bearing the winged solar disc on its face, was found in the narrow street which
runs along the west side of the church. It has now been placed in the niche at the west end of the church. The foundations are very shallow,
consisting only of two courses of blocks and rubble stone, having a total depth of about one metre, below which is old village rubbish, etc. This church
has been constructed, as already mentioned, almost entirely out of the blocks of the Temple of Ilar-ned-iotef (O) (Plan I.). Photograph Xo. 47.










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Letter Q.

Number 16.

Level Number 7.

Plan X., Photograph Xo. 48.—A few small granite columns lying in the rubbish were all that was visible of this church when work was
commenced, but now the whole ground plan of the church can be easily recognised, though but little of the walls remain. It was a church of
considerable size, and had four rows of columns, two on either side of the centre aisle, with small rooms on either side of the altar, while at the
west end was a series of other small rooms. The direction of the church seems to have been determined by the main street already existing, and
along which the houses were built. Like most of the Coptic buildings on the island, this church had no deep foundations, for below one
of the square columns there is one metre of squared stone and below that '50 metre of stone rubble, which rests on earth, broken pottery, etc.,
the rubbish of an earlier village. Numerous fragments of stone carving and similar work were turned out of the rubbish, which are shown in

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