UNICH.—Some weeks ago the new architect, Gabriel Seidl, carried off the prize. The
Bavarian Museum was opened, with new edifice was completed, and all the collections
due ceremonial, to the public. The were transferred to their present home, within the
old building, erected during the reign comparatively short period of six years. Without
of King Maximilian II., had served its purpose only exceeding the amount voted by Parliament,
thirty years, its space becoming too confined for Gabriel Seidl has now finished his work, which
the numerous works collected within that period, impresses one as being both handsome and home-
Moreover, the whole arrangement of the building like, and of which it may be said that its charm
and its style (an ugly pot-pourri labelled " Sicilian will extend far beyond the city itself, while it will
Gothic," to make it more acceptable) had gradually surely serve as a model for many another building
become unbearable to all people of refined taste, of the same kind.
The Bavarian Landtag granted four million marks
(^200,000) for a new building; competitive Gabriel Seidl is the chief of a group 01 architects
designs were invited, and the well-known Munich who combine with the cultivation of certain local
UNICH.—Some weeks ago the new architect, Gabriel Seidl, carried off the prize. The
Bavarian Museum was opened, with new edifice was completed, and all the collections
due ceremonial, to the public. The were transferred to their present home, within the
old building, erected during the reign comparatively short period of six years. Without
of King Maximilian II., had served its purpose only exceeding the amount voted by Parliament,
thirty years, its space becoming too confined for Gabriel Seidl has now finished his work, which
the numerous works collected within that period, impresses one as being both handsome and home-
Moreover, the whole arrangement of the building like, and of which it may be said that its charm
and its style (an ugly pot-pourri labelled " Sicilian will extend far beyond the city itself, while it will
Gothic," to make it more acceptable) had gradually surely serve as a model for many another building
become unbearable to all people of refined taste, of the same kind.
The Bavarian Landtag granted four million marks
(^200,000) for a new building; competitive Gabriel Seidl is the chief of a group 01 architects
designs were invited, and the well-known Munich who combine with the cultivation of certain local