Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Instytut Sztuki (Warschau) [Hrsg.]; Państwowy Instytut Sztuki (bis 1959) [Hrsg.]; Stowarzyszenie Historyków Sztuki [Hrsg.]
Biuletyn Historii Sztuki — 69.2007

DOI Heft:
Nr. 3-4
DOI Artikel:
Skrodzka, Agnieszka: Wizerunek króla nieszczęśliwego - portret Stanisława Augusta z klepsydrą: =
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as insufficiently highly appreciated and with
reputations harmed by human envy.
The comphcated aHegory of Stanislaus
AugustusT reign in the king's own mind was intended
to formulate an argument in his defence for futurę
generations. Testimonies rełating to and exampies of
the reception of this portrait in the 19th century reveai,
however, that even contemporaries suffered
difficulties in inteipreting the extraordinarily erudite

7. AAnrceZZn 7?ncc(nre7Z(, Portrait of Stanislaus
Augustus with an hourgiass, 7 797, AnZznzznZ AAn^ez-zzzz
Zzz JJbrs-nw
2. A/Zer AAnrceZZo PnccZnreZZZ, Portrait of Stanisiaus
Augustus with an hourgiass, n/Zer 7 797 (Topy n/Zer o
pznzzt by A. Pngg), 7VnZz'nzznZ Mzz.sezzzzz Zn ffnzisnw
2. A/ter AAnrceZZn PnccznzuZZz, Portrait of Stanislaus
Augustus with an hourgiass, n/Zer 7 792, AAzcsenzzi o/
PnZnce ZzzZerznzis', Gboz^OYzcz
4. A/Zen AAn/ueZZn Pnccznz*eZZz, Portrait of Stanislaus
Augustus with an hourgiass, n/Zer 7792, Z/ze PnZzA/z
Azzzbnx.sy Zn .S/ncZArnZzzz
2. A/Zez* AAnrceZZn PnccZnreZZZ, Portrait of Stanislaus
Augustus with an hourgiass, n/Zer 7 792, to.s'/,/ozvzzezAL
nZ AzzbZZzz AAns*enzzz (p/znZn 'pre-wnzy)
4. Aon WnrzZy fFn/zznz^nwYbZ, n/Zer AZonceZZo
PnccZnzuZZZ, Portrait of Stanislaus Augustus with an
hourgiass, 7277, Crncnw, przTnZe coZZecZZozz
7. A/Zer ZfZorceZZo PnccZnzuZZZ, Portrait of Stanislaus
Augustus with an hourgiass, zzzzzzZnZzzre, n/Zer 7 792,
PnynZ Cn,stZe Zn JFnrynw, CoZZecZznzz o/ Z/ze
GZecZznrzowZecAzA' PnzzzzAnZZnzz
2. An/znrzzz Pnzzzbncb, An^ep/z PZober, Despair, 7 792
9. Ao/zonn Pnzzzbncb, An^epb PZnber, Melancholie
temperament, 7792
79. AzzAren Pnccbz', Dido Deserted, co. 7429-22,
Cnezz, ZhZn^ee Aex Pcnzz.r-ArZs'
77. PnzzznZzz fzzzcezzZAezz//rny, Stanislaus Augustus's
signet ring, 7792, PnynZ Gn.s/Ze Zn fLzzwnw.' CnZZec-
Zzon o/zAe GZec/znzrnwZecAzA' AnzzzzAnzZozz
72. AZonceZZo PnccZnreZZZ nzzA wnrAs*bnp, Stanislaus
Augustus in cadets' uniform, 7779^
72. Ce.S(3z*e7?ipa, Assiduity, 7799
74. GnZZZnnzzre Ae An PerrZere, Bonum fallax, 7222
72. DZegn Ae AnnceAm A'o/Az'Ao, Bonum fallax, 7442
74. DonZeZ Ae Zn PenZZZe, TAeZnzAcA G//eZezz, Sic
transeo, 7497

messages contained in this likeness. Whence the
arguments in defence of the numerous replicas and
copies of this allegorical portrait that the last Polish
monarch had planned to leave for posterity could not
perform their intended function. On the basis of the
considerations contained in this article, the picture of
Stanislaus Augustus with an hourgiass appears as a
portrait with no analogy in early-modem iconography,
and the only likeness of its kind of an unhappy king.
7rnzM'Zn/eA by Peter A/n r/y n

7 7. AoAonn PnznbncA, Ao.sepA Ptnber, Assiduity, 7 792
72. GZrnZnrzrn AAnzznZn PeAoZZ, Portrait of a
philosopher(?), ca. 1550, London, property of Richard
79. GnziZeZ Ae Zn PezzZZZe, TAeZzzzicA G//cZcz?, Ut vidi
29. DnzzteZ Ae Zn PenZZZe, ZAeZzzrZcA G//eZczz, Immotus
concurrede vidi
27. GZZn hnezzZns-, Culmen honoris lubricum, 7424
22. Anzz AcnzznzA GeuZezzz, medal Zobcezisu, zuceziseA
7 777, pr/TnZe cnZZecZZnzz
22. PnrZ o/ n ZeZZer /rnzzz 2ZnzzZ.s'Znzz.s* A ngzz.sZn.s* Zn
AZnrceZZn PnccZnreZZZ, 7792, AA/ZZnzznZ AZbrnzy Zzz
24. Anzz GZnAyYz/?), Portrait Stanislaus Augustus from
the book of the Third of May Constitution, cn.
7297(7), ffhp/ewn, pzAunZe cnZZecZZnzz
phot. W. Jerke: 2
from Mróz, Tomalska, AAnZnz^Zn^n..: 3 (p. 49);
Polish Embassy, Stockholm: 4
99 nnbc/n...: 6 (p. 42)
Juszczak, Tfnrtn ZzzwezzZnzyzncy/An: 6
Sambach, Stóber, ArozroZngZeoAernZZegoznAc/ze... : 8
(ill. 75);9(ill. 78); 17(ill. 205)
Guillaume de La Perriere, An AAnz^npbZe...: 13
Saavedra Faxardo, AeprZrzce...: 14 (p. 207)
Feuille, Offelen, DevzAeY...: 15 (p. 25)
Ripa, /cnzznZngZn nr; AAornZ...: 16 (ill. 30)
AAe Age...: 22 (p. 69)
Feuille, Offelen, DevzAeY...: 19 (p. 34, no. 3); 20 (p.
34, nr 7)
Vaenius, PzzzbZerzznZn...: 21 (p. 93)
MS., National Library: 23 (sign. 565/vol. 1)
Rżyska, RApZewn...: 24 (p. 613)