Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Instytut Sztuki (Warschau) [Hrsg.]; Państwowy Instytut Sztuki (bis 1959) [Hrsg.]; Stowarzyszenie Historyków Sztuki [Hrsg.]
Biuletyn Historii Sztuki — 69.2007

DOI Heft:
Nr. 3-4
DOI Artikel:
Dec, Małgorzata: Irena Pokrzywnicka - życie i twórczość: =
DOI Seite / Zitierlink: 

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77. /rena PoArzywntcAo, potnztngy.* a. Autumn (II),
7*. Winter/rew cyc/e 7/ o/Four Seasons of the Year,
pre-7939, ot/ on corwoy
73. /reno PoArzywntcAo, Woman and flowers, so-
called Madame with fiowers / "La femme au vase",
so-cailed Winter, co. 7933, ot/ on connoy
79. /reno PoArzywntcAo, Flowers, /939y, o// on
29. /reno Połrzywn/c/m, DeZot/ o/Designed interiors
for the Woven Fabrics Section: Fashion and interiors
of Polish Pavilion at the New York World Exhibition
/n 7939, New korA
27. /reno PoArzywntcAo, potnZer/ yonnentr Holy
Madonna A.K. / Holy Madonna, Patron of the Home
Army / Holy Madonna Home Army Soldier's Queen
/ Holy Madonna of the Home Army / Holy Madonna
Protecting the Polish Soldier-ptctnrepotnZer/ Zn zAe
rntr/yZ o/gnn/Zre <r/nrtng ZAe Iko/Aow Z/yrt.stng, AngnyZ
7994, WLfryow, nrtarer/ZecAntpney
22. /reno PoArzywntcAo, British pilots, /ron?
r/ocnnrenZory cyc/e Woman-soldier (Female Poles
and Allies), j/ronr AngnyZ 7993, Porty, croyon wtzA
23. /reno PoArzywntcAo, M. Ponińska AocnnrenZory
cyc/e Woman-soldier (Female Poles and Allies),^ron?
AngnyZ 7993, Porty, croyon wtzA poyZe/y
29. /reno PoArzywntcAo, //o/y Moc/onno o/ Po/tyA
PTntgrotton / /7o/y Mor/onno, Qneen o/ Po/tyA
Pe/ogeey, 7999, Porty, croyon wtzA yoyZe/y
23. /reno PoArzywntcAo, Lady of Jasna Góra, co.
/939, Porty, nr Leo' ZecAntpney
29. /reno PoArzywntcAo, Dancing woman and adoring
man, /ronr Lprtytng, nnAnown (/?roAoA/y 7939y,

Porty), r/rowtng tn A/ocA croyon om/ yenct/, co/onrer/
wtzA yongntne (?), /roper
27. /reno PoArzywntcAo, r/eytgn /or erentng Areyy
r/nrtng TTpr/y/ng nnAnown (yroAoA/y 7939y, Porty),
r/rowtng tn cAorcoo/ on<7 A/ocA croyon, co/onrer/ wtzA
/?oyZe/y or cAo/A
23. /reno PoArzywntcAo, Portrait of a woman in
fantasised historie dress from imagination, /ronr
/Tpr/ytng nnAnown (proAoA/y 7939y, Porty), poyZe/y
(?) on penct/ Arowtng, poper
29. /reno PoArzywntcAo, Deytgn/br o woznon k onz/tz
wtzA znu//yronz zAe 7/yrtytng (yroAoA/y /939y, Porty),
woZerco/onr on yAeZcA tn A/ne tnA (?), ^o^er
Photo's and art objects from the famiły archives of
the artiste: 1-5, 21-24, 26-29
„Świat", An. 17:1922, no. 10, p. 5: 6; An. 21: 1926,
no. 18, p. 3: 10; An. 25:1930, no. 2, p. 9: 12; An.
25:1930, no. 2, p. 9 : 14; An. 27:1932, no. 52, p. 6;
Świat", An. 27:1932, no. 21, p. 3: 15
Catalogue: AncZton pfPotnZtngy, Polswiss Art...
Auction House, item 29: 7
„Pani", An. 1:1922, nr 6-7: 8; An. 2:1923, nr 4-5, p.
31: 9
„Kobieta Współczesna", An. 1:1927, no. 8, p. 16:
Catalogue: ÓZoworzyyzente ArZyyZów Po/yAtcA
„PyZzn"..., no. 119, ill. (item 188 cat.): 13
Polish Museum in America, Chicago: 16-18
„Bluszcz", An. 72:1939, no. 30, p. 14: 20
„Polska Wierna", An. 10:1954, no. 42, p. 1