Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale <al-Qāhira> [Hrsg.]; Mission Archéologique Française <al-Qāhira> [Hrsg.]
Recueil de travaux relatifs à la philologie et à l'archéologie égyptiennes et assyriennes: pour servir de bullletin à la Mission Française du Caire — N.S. 1=17.1895

DOI Heft:
Nr. 3-4
DOI Artikel:
Sayce, A. H.: Gleanings from the land of Egypt, [5]
DOI Seite / Zitierlink: 

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fj\ WMo /wwva" §P 9- Only a few of the naines of the places in Syria are
legible, owing to the efflorescence of sait upon the stone on which they are engraved.
They ornament the exterior wall of the Temple to the North of the entrance, the corres-
ponding wall to the South being inscribed with the cartouches of places in the South.

I add here some Phœnician, or rat lier, Aramaic graffiti, which I discovered four
or five years ago on the rocks of the Western bank of the Nile, north of Silsilis and
South of Heshân. They are in the neighbourhood of a large rock at the northern corner
of the entrance of a Wadi, which the numerous Greek graffiti in the vicinity show to
hâve been sacred. The first of the graffiti in the vicinity had abready been seen and
photographed by Professor Pétrie :

n:n ks-d. « Blessed be Hagah of

(1) Mah ^

1 s Isis.


o:rb ûhûk "pa (( Blessed beEbed-
Nebo of Khnum. »

The fifth character may be intended for yod insteacl of hê, but in this case it has
not been completed.

The formula is that found in the XlVth chapter of Genesis, v. 19 : a Blessed be
Abram of the most high God. » Outside the Old Testament it occurs only in Egypt.

(2) in6 ; ^^aw^y^^O' h ^3^2*

« Blessed be Ezer-yobed the Shagbite of Horus. »

(3) <ù 03 H H A ; Lj f ' ) 6 <y A 1 iffiï *

Gamlan Sarzan of Horus. »

The three last letters are in an unknown script.

The word Ebed is written erroneously with x instead of ».

(5) 4^ ^" ^\ 3 h^\9 Tllis is a rePetition of the preceding (No. 4).

(3) ^ "j ^ N-?-R.

Among the other inscriptions is one which seems to be bilingual, partly in the
characters of the Cypriote syllabary, partly in the hieroglyphs which Mr. Arthur Evans
has recently discovered on prehistoric objects found in Krete. It is as follows :

%l 0

The Cypriote characters pa-mo (perhaps ^a^w) are again written by themselves on
a neighbouring rock.