Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 22.1901

DOI Heft:
No. 95 (February, 1901)
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Studio- Talk

STUDIO-TALK. not well in touch with the pressing needs of the

(From Our Own Correspondents.) time- 0n the other hand> in the subjects that it

LONDON.-The Royal Academy was does profess to teach-/.,, in painting, sculpture,
, j r\ai drawing, and architecture—it can hold its own, pro-
recently described as " the War Office °\ . . 'r
c -r, •.• , , .. bably, with any school in Europe. This must have
of -British art, inasmuch as it seems to J ' f.
r tl • , . ... ,, r been clear to everyone who visited the latest ex-
care for nothing but its old custom of ...
, i i c ■ r hibition of students' work, held at Burlington

muddling along somehow lar in the rear of present- , __ °

, ■ . „ • , . . ., . House in December,
day requirements. this, no doubt, is a striking

description, but it is not entirely accurate. During

the last decade, or thereabouts, the Royal Academy The architectural drawings and designs, especially
has modernised its conservatism not a little; and those by Mr. Tanner, Mr. Bernard Webb, and Mr.
if its tardy concessions to the spirit of the times Fulton, were of a higher average than usual. The
seem but a trifle in comparison with those for which travelling studentship of £60 was awarded to Mr.
all of us are waiting, it is still right and encouraging Tanner, whose portion of a street front had the
to mention them with pleasure. That the cause of rare merit of being quite harmonious in pro-
progress certainly has some good friends at portion. The sculpture, the modelling, viewed
Burlington House is very well illustrated by the as a whole, was full of promise, though weakened
remarkable improvement which is taking place in by a tendency towards dulness of accent and
the Academy schools. It is doubtless true that heaviness of form. In the competition for a set of
the teaching in these schools, though vastly more four models from the life, the first prize was won
workmanlike than it used to be, still leaves much to by Mr. S. N. Babb, the second by Mr. Pibworth ;
be desired, since it takes but little notice of the fact and in each case the tendency in question was
that the art movement is becoming ever the more more or less noticeable. Can it be that the whole
unfriendly to the painting of easel pictures, ever modelling school, in obedience to orders from
the more friendly to the decorative arts and handi- headquarters, tried in its work to vie with Sandow?
crafts ; and the meaning of this is, that the Royal We ask this question because the over-development
Academy, in the scope of its educative policy, is of the physical side of sculpture, long too common

"a stream through a meadow'

