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Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Architektur — 2.1908/​9

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Bernath, M. H.: England and America. Recent publications
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England and America.
Recent publications.

By M. H. Bernath (New York).
I. Books.

Bond, Francis: Screens and galleries in Eng-
lish churches. London 1908. Henry Frowde.

(Contains the results of iraportant detail re-
search on tliis eharacteristic feature of the in-
terior of English churches. The illustrations, ahout
160, bring much hitherto unpublished material).

Bumpus, Francis I.: The cathedrals and
churches of Norway, Sweden and Danmark. Lon-
don 1908. I. W. Laurie. (Historical and des-
criptive. Useful handbook for the traveller).

Calvert, A.: The Alhambra. Being a brief
record of the Arabian conquest of the Peninsula,
with a particular account of the Muhammodan
architecture and decoration. London 1907. John

Calvert, A.: Moorish remains in Spain. Lon-
don 1907.

Calvert, A.: Granada, present and bygone.
London 1908. (The author has written many
books on Spain, these being the latest of his
publications. The volumes are well printed,
richly illustrated and although they do not contain
much that is new, they will be found convenient
for reference).

Champney, Elizabeth W.: Romance of Ro-
man villas. The Renaissance. New York 1908.
Putnam. (Populär).

Corstopitum: Report of the excavations in
1907. NewTcastle upon Tyne 1908. (Excavations
on the site of a Roman town in Northumberland).

Chort, D. A.: Dublin (Mediaeval Towns
Series). London 1908. Macmillan.

(Excellent contribution to our knowledge of
mediaeval Ireland. Contains many items of in-
terest to the student of the history of Architecture).

Cox, J. Charles LL. D. R. S. A. and Alfred
Harvey M. D.: English church furniture. Lon-
don 1908. Methuen. (The most. comprehensive
and up to date publication on the subjecl).

Fulleylore, JohnR.I. and Arthur Poyser:
The Tower of London. (Reproductions of water
colors by F. with text, historical and descriptive,
competently written by P.).

Green, W. Curtis: Old cottages and Farm-

houses in Surrey. London 1908. (Valuable
contribution to the history of domestic architec-
ture in Southern England. Richly illustrated).

Hichens, Robert: Egypt and its monuments.
New York 1908. Century Co. (Manual for the

Inchboldt, A. C.: Lisbon and Cintra. With
some account of other cities and historical sites
in Portugal. New York 1908. Duffield.

Lethaby, W. R.: Greek buildings represented
by fragments in the British Museum. 3 vols.
(I. Diana's temple at Ephesus. II. The tomb at
Mausolos. III. The Parthenon and its sculptures.)
London 1908. B. J. Batsford.

Milman, Lena: Sir Christopher Wren. Lon-
don 1908. Duckworth.

Osborne, Charles Francis: Historie houses
and their gardens. Philadelphia 1908. The J.
C. Wiuston Co. (Miscellaneous collection of ar-
ticles by several authors. Especially interesting
for the history of the villa and the art of garden
architecture, as for instance G. W. Dawson: The
gardens of the Villa Lante, A. D. F. Hamlin's
Ancient Roman country houses).

Ossory, Samuel A.: Dublin. (Ancient Cities
series). London 1908. Dutton.

Porter, Kingsley A.: Mediaeval architecture.
New York 1908. Baker and Taylor. (Contains
nothing of especial value to the scholar, more
for young architects, than for the student of
Mediaeval architecture).

Sturgis, Rüssel S.: History of architecture,
vol. II. New York 1908. (As all other publi-
cations of the author, the result of mere com-
pilation, betraying an astonishing degree of lack
of critical faculty and of original scholarship.
Print and illustrations are excellent).

Williamson, M. G.: Edinburgh. (Ancient
Cities Series). London 1908. Dutton.

Worley, George: The priory of St. Bartho-
lomew. London 1908. Bell. (Interesting for
the history of London architecture).

II. Periodicals.

American Journal of Archaeology. Vol.
XII. No. 2 for April-June 1908. Norwood. Mass.

Densmoor, W. B.: The Mausoleum at Hali-
carnassus part II (the first part appeared in No. 1,
1908). A new and remarkable project of resto-
ration with numerous well executed designs.