Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 13.1898

DOI issue:
No. 62 (May, 1898)
DOI article:
Mourey, Gabriel: The work of Auguste Rodin
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Auguste Rodin

hair, all dabbled in his
blood, falls loose around.

La Chitnere shows a
woman with cold, indif-
'',;| ferent, impassive face, her

E|| eyes looking straight in

front of her. She is bear-
ing away in her flight the
poet captured by her fasci-
nations. He clings to her,
and, frail as she is, her
i^^BB i^' strength is enough to carry

i f him off. His face drawn

ifc jMotRP with half-voluptuous pain,

Hrr %i. II •ill, m Sazes on ner yearningly,

IflP^BH ' JJf I:iff g& as ^ t° fathom the enigma

• ]H*M °f ncr being, and his whole

mKBm ''Mf- W» J body writhes in torture.

But she flies along, listless
^^^^^WIMBBBBBHI^^^M and disdainful, her lips

curling with a smile of
victorious witchery.

To realise fully the deli-
W cacy of sentiment, the fine

iiMiiiimmiiiimi........... - •'•:•£*: feeling, of which this great

artist is capable, one should
look again and again on
jjL his group in high relief,

^■^^^pi*^^^" I * carved in a sort of stony

• •> - *? - > y ~ •»' /^ife~5ic^-753^^^p cavity, and representing a

Hr I W^^^T^Ty^B Mother and Child. The

^vTi^^ woman, crouching in a

J^-^k (IYi^^CD^^kvlxJ^^%\l/ii^ charming pose, plays with

pvD ) \ ¥ / A^/fc^ ner one' The baby's

K* % :'^\L"*'nAI/^"^^^Mat^ form is modelled with ex-

■r-r hi mm 1«■> » •» ^) ft' (#>^ W~fS) M "^8^MlfS traordinary suppleness, and

the woman herself is

les bourgeois de Calais by auguste rodin shaped with rare beauty.

It is a delightful poem of
maternal love, a work of

indescribable tumult, while the seated form above real human feeling, which stirs one by its sincerity
—Dante, no doubt—is deep in his terrible vision, and sweetness.

his gaze full of sorrow at the sight of suffering and Look at this head of a woman (page 217), winch
horror so great. might well be styled La Reflexion. Examine it

Another work is a woman's body, a Dandide closely. Beneath the cap adorning her lovely pen
plunging through the waves, her supple croup sive brow we see the calm spiritual face. What
quivering neath the rush of water; another, Le dreams are these passing before her placid eyes ?
/'miser, a man sitting bent forward in an attitude The mouth is grave, the features bear the stamp
of profound tenderness, and holding in his arms a of gentle resignation. She typifies the melancholy
beautiful girl, who clings to him as though afraid. of thought in the presence of life, the quiet sadness
Here, again, is the head of Saint John, on a of humanity face to face with the great mystery of
charger. His lips, half open, still seem to breathe existence.

forth holy words; his upturned eyes still strive to Look, too, at this Bust of a Woman in the Luxem-
see the beauty of God's heavens; and his long bourg (iallery (page 215). How rich, how harmo-

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