Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 13.1898

DOI issue:
No. 62 (May, 1898)
DOI article:
MacColl, D. S.: The paintings on silk of Charles Conder
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Charles Conders Paintings on Silk


it wood of all sorts, thick, shady for those who the evening airs. And what most of all makes for

recline beneath, and under them is laid a carpet of merriment with them is this: there are two foun-

fiowcrs. And the service and carrying about of tains beside the banqueting-place—one of Laughter;

things is done by the winds, except the service of the other of Pleasure ; from either of them all drink

wine, for there is no need of that; but round the at the beginning of the feast, and pass the time there-

feasting-place there are tall crystal trees of the after in joy and mirth.

clearest crystal, and the fruit of these trees is drink- It may be remembered that the travellers in the

ing vessels of all kinds both for shape and size. " True History," after quitting the Blessed Islands,

When, therefore, any one sits at the banquet, lie touched at the Island of Dreams, with its harbour

plucks one or two of the cups and lays them by him, that dodges the mariner, its thick forests of poppy

and straightway they become filled with wine, and mandragora, its waters, WakeNoMore and

Thus they drink ; and in place of garlands the night- AllATight Through. Of that land, I think, our

ingales and other musical birds from the near painter must really be a native, and have stumbled

meadows pluck floivers in their bills and snow them by noctambulous accident upon the island reputed

doivn upon the feasters, and fly singing over them, to have given him birth. At least the present

And the perfuming is done like this : The myrrh is temper of this island runs strongly against such a

drawn up from the founts and river in thick clouds^ dreamer. To import the manner of poetry into

and these stand over the feasting-place, and gently life is inconceivable in the admirable part for which

under pressure of the winds rain it dozvn light like the Englishman casts himself, and the very women,

dew. And after the feast they are entertained with those superb Amazons, can be thought of as

music and singing, and it is the poems of Homer that wielding a whip, but hardly a fan. This race, that

are sung to them most. For he himself is there and produces the finest of poetry, treats it as something

feasts with them, seated just above Odysseus. The alien, cuts out endearment from its tongue, and

choirs are of boys and maids. And to lead the song blushes at any graceful embroidery upon the acts

and sing with them are Eunomus of Locri and of life. The profession of poet it regards askance.

Arion of Lesbos, and Anacreon and Stesichorus, for In other countries, my own, for example, everyone,

him, too, L saw among them, Helen by this time man or woman, is a poet. The poetry, in a little-

being reconciled to him. Now when these give over known tongue, is reported not to be of the highest

singing, a?iothtr choir is at hand oj swans and merit, but the profession of poet is the only respect-,

swallows and nightingales; and when they, too, able calling, the only one recognised. It may be

have ceased, then the whole ivood Hides, played upon by apologetically admitted that a man is a shoemaker,
