Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Instytut Sztuki (Warschau) [Hrsg.]; Państwowy Instytut Sztuki (bis 1959) [Hrsg.]; Stowarzyszenie Historyków Sztuki [Hrsg.]
Biuletyn Historii Sztuki — 71.2009

DOI Heft:
Nr. 1-2
DOI Artikel:
Kwiatkowski, Marek: Wokół willi w Olesinie: =
DOI Seite / Zitierlink: 

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On D/*^p W//n O/ppm

Among the architectural drawings amassed by
Stanislaus Kostka Potocki and currentiy housed in
the Nationał Library's Wiianów Coilection (in an
aibum titied Cowpoxz7zozzx et PDzrx par /e Cowte
Ptazzzx/ax PotocAz) can be found ten sketches on five
sheets of paper executed by his own hand of a viHa.
These drawings are regarded by researchers as by-
products of Potockie concepts for the so-caHed
Masonry House (Dow TPzrcwapy) at Olesin near
Puławy, a no łonger existing garden residence of the
count's (ihs. 1-3). One of these sketches contains the
inscription : Pe 73 Ta/Zzet o Powe en 7 796/ Je ne .szzA
paj yz wa 7ettre kbay traanerez encore o F/areace,
which has been taken - fałsely, in the author's
opinion - to indicate the time when the pictures
woułd have been madę.
The sketches under consideration depict
a buiłding of simiłar appearance to the vi)la at
Oiesin, raised in 1782-5 and referred to as the
Masonry House, which is depicted in a series of
watercolours by Zygmunt Vogel dating from 1788
(ills. 4-6).
By analysing the sketches and comparing them
with VogeTs paintings, the author has come to the
conclusion that each of the works in question
portrays the villa at Olesin and that the completed
buiłding differed somewhat from Potocki's concept.
He also believes that the quoted French text was
added under circumstances unrelated to the vi)la's
Work on the Olesin villa was conducted from
1782 by Chrystian Piotr Aigner, who is also

7. .S7a/zA7azz.s' F. PatacAz, Pz^apa.sztzazzy /ar Am
garr7ea e/evatz'aa
2. FtazzA/an-s W. PatacAz, Pz*apa.sz7zaa /ar o pa/a/za/
3. Ftaaz'x/aax W. Po to c A 7. Pzapa.sztzaa /on zaterzar
9. Zygazaat Hzge/, Cc u- o/" tAe A//a ot D/exz'a /row
tAe paaP (PetazT)
3. Zpgazzzat Hipe/, Ho w o/ tAo e/ewztzaa wttA w o w
eatraace (PetazT)
6. Zygzazzat Page/, tAe vz//a ot D/e.sza, won- /now tAe
AacA A7otoz7)

recognised as being responsible for carrying out the
entire garden residence. The Masonry House is the
first known case of the long-term collaboration
between Potocki and Aigner. An extension of the
villa, about which precise details have not been
found, is known to have been madę in the 1790s,
while its rebuilding in the wake of a lirę in 1804,
which involved certain alterations, may well have
been the real object of Potocki A sketches.
The author proposes that extension of the vi!!a at
Olesin should be linked with another of Aigner's
designs associated until now in relevant literaturę
with the villa built for Izabella Lubomirska in the
Warsaw suburb of Mokotów, and dated to the year
1792 (ill. 7).
The porticoed five-bay faęade of the villa in
Olesin, featuring rectangular panels above the
Windows and four pseudo-columns surmounted by
an entablature, was inspired by a visualised
reconstruction in watercolour of Pliny (Plinius) the
YoungerA 'Laurentina' madę on PotockiA request
in the 1770s. In the author's opinion, this graphic
reconstruction may also have served as inspiration
in the composition of the Łazienki Pałace on the
Water's southem elevation, and also Stanisław
CzekierskFs smali palatial residence at Pruszków,
which is attributed to Aigner.
The villa at Olesin is placed in the antiquarian
current in Polish architecture, which draws its
origins in Simon Gottlieb (Pol.: Szymon Bogumił)
Zug's designs of the gardens of Powązki and Solec
in Warsaw.
7raa.s7ateA Ay Peter A7artyzz

7. CAzyxtz'aa P Hzgaeą De.szga^ar a vzV/a
3. Haceaza Pz^eaaa, FaęaPe cif /Ae Aazzreatzaa
9. Fzaceaza Pz^eazza, Arzyar/e o/* a panz/zazz o/* tAe
National Library, Warsaw: 1-6;
Reproduced from T.S. Jaroszewski, CAzyytzaa Pzatr
Hzgaer.., p. 100: 7;
Repr. from J. Miziołek, PzFaPaareatzaa..., ill. 126:
8; z'Az77., ill. 62: 9.