Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 24.1904/​1905(1905)

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Babes in Toyland. By Glen MacDonough and Anna Alice Chapin ....... xxi
Benozzo Gozzoli. By Hugh Stokes ............ 86
Book Composition. By Theodore Low De Vinne, M.A. ......... lii
Brown Fairy Book, The. Edited by Andrew Lang. With Illustrations by H. J. Ford . . . 272
Burns Country, The. By Charles S. Dougall .......... xx
Calendarium Londinese .............. 370
Canterbury Tales of Geoffrey Chaucer, The. By Percy Mackaye ....... xxi
Cathedrals of Southern France, The. By Francis Miltoun. Illustrated ...... xviii
City Development. By Patrick Geddes ........... 369
Confessions of St. Augustine, The. Edited by the Rev. E. B. Pusey ...... xxi
Classic Myths in Art. By Julia De Wolfe Addison ......... lii
Constable’s Sketches, with Introduction. By Sir James D. Lindon, R.I. ...... 85
Daumier and Gavarni. By Henri Frantz and Octave Uzanne ....... 1
Drawings. By John Leech .............. li
Drawings of Holbein. By A. Lys Baldry ............ 271
Drawings of Hans Holbein. By A. L. Baldry. Illustrated ........ Ixxiii
Dante and the English Poets, from Chaucer to Tennyson. By Oscar Kuhns ..... xx
Dukes and Poets in Ferrara. By Edmund C. Gardner, M.A. ........ xv
Elementary Woodworking. By Edwin W. Foster .......... xvii
English Architecture. By J. D. Atkinson ........... 85
Englishwoman’s Year Book, The ............ 370
Fata Morgana. By Andre Castaigne. Illustrated .......... civ
Five Etchings. By John Shirlow . . . . . . . . . . . .370
France. By Joel Cook .............. Ixxvi
French Songs of Old Canada. Pictured by W. Graham Robertson . . . . . . .368
Friendship of Art, The. By Bliss Carman ........... lii
From a Holiday Journal. By Mrs. E. T. Cook .......... r86
Gainsborough and His Place in English Art. By Sir Walter Armstrong ......
George Romney: A Biographical and Critical Essay with a Complete Catalogue Raisonne of his Works.
By Humphrey Ward and W. Roberts .......... 268
Giovanni Costa. By Olivia Rossetti Agresti ........... 84
Handbook of Lithography. By David Cumming .......... Ixxv
Holy Grail, The. By Alfred, Lord Tennyson .......... Ixxv
How to Identify Portrait Miniatures. By George C. Williamson, Litt.D. ...... liii
Hundred Best Pictures, The ............. liii
Illustrated Catalogue of a Loan Collection of Portraits at Oxford . . . . . . .84
Imperial Vienna. By A. S. Levetus ............ 369
Impressionist Painting. By Wynford Dewhurst .......... xlviii
Italian Villas and Their Gardens. By Edith Wharton. Illustrated ....... xlix
King Arthur’s Wood. Written and Illustrated by Elizabeth Stanhope Forbes ..... 270
Le Peinture. By Jules Breton ............. 86
Life of Michaelagnolo Bounarroti. Collected by Asconio Condivi and Illustrated from the original
Italian by Herbert P. Horne ............ 1
Liverpool School of Painters, The. By H. C. Marillier ......... 271
London as an Art City. By Mrs. Steuart Erskine .......... Ixxvi

Memoirs of the Martyr King. By Allan Fea
Memorials of Edward Burns-Jones. By G. B.-J. .
Modern Cottage Architecture. Edited by Maurice B. Adams
Mural Painting. By F. Hamilton Jackson .

civ, 367

Nuremberg. By Herman Uhde-Bernays ........... lxxvj
Old Cottages and Farmhouses in Shropshire, Herefordshire, and Cheshire. By G. A. Ould, F.R.I.B.A. 271
Old Masters and Their Pictures, The. By Sarah Tytler ......... Ixxv
Old Time Aldwych, Kingsway and Neighbourhood. By Charles Gordon ...... xix
Ornament and Its Application. By Lewis F. Day .......... cii
Paolo Veronese. By Mrs. Arthur Bell ............ 188,c
Paris and Its Story. By T. Okey ............ 185
Pedlar’s Pack, The. By Mrs. Alfred Baldwin. With Illustrations by Charles Pears .... 272
Peinture a l’Exposition des Primitifs Francais, La. By Comte Paul Durrien ..... 188
Pierre: A Tale of Normandy. By Mrs. Arthur Beil ......... 188
Phil May in Australia .............. 186
Porcelain. By Edward Dillon, M.A. . . . . . . . . . . . - xlvii
Portfolio of Book Plates, A. Being a Third Collection of Twelve Signed Proofs, designed by William
Edgar Fisher. Illustrated ............ li
Portraits of the Seventeenth Century. By C. A. Sainte-Beuve. Translated by Katherine P. Wormeley Ixxv

Raphael. By Edgecumbe Staley ............
Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti and His Circle. By Henry Treffry Dunn ....
Roma Beata. By Maude Howe .............
Sandro Botticelli. By Julia Cartwright ...........
Sir Anthony Van Dyk. By Hugh Stokes ...........
Sketches on the Old Road Throttgh France to Florence. By A. Hallam Murray .....
Theodore Watts-Dunton, Poet, Novelist, Critic.. By James Douglas .......
Titian. By Georg Gronau .............
Treatment of Drapery in Art, The. By G. Wolliscroft Rhead, R.E., A.R.C.A. .....
Venture, The. An Annal of Art and Literature. Edited by Laurence Housman and W. Somerset
Maughn ..... - .... -
Westminster Abbey. Painted by John Fulleylove, R. I. Described by Mrs. A. Murray Smith .
Whistler’s Art Dicta and Other Essays. By A. E. Gallatin. Illustrated ......
Who’s Who? -
Who’s Who Year Book ..............
William Blake. By Irene Langridge ............
Women in the Fine Arts. By Clara Erskine Clement .........
Work of George Joy, The. With an Autobiographical Sketch ........




