Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 24.1904/​1905(1905)

DOI issue:
No. 94 (December, 1904)
DOI article:
Awards in "The Studio" prize competitions
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Awards in “ The Studio ” Prize Competitions



New Series.
Class A. Decorative Art.
A i. Design for a Terra-Cotta Vase.
We regret to have to withhold the awards in this
competition, as in the opinion of the judges none
of the designs sent in can be considered satisfactory.
The vase designed was to be suitable for a standard
bay-tree, but none of the designs fulfil the
requirements of such a receptacle. One of the
first necessities of a vase of this kind is that the
plant within it shall be readily removable without
injury to the roots, but where the upper part of the
vase is constricted, as in many of these designs, this
removal of the plant is impossible without damage
to the roots or injury to the vase itself. Another
obvious requirement is that some means shall be
provided by which a firm hold may be obtained of
the vase in order to move it from one place to
another. And finally it is necessary that the
design should not be an imitation of a wooden
structure, but should be frankly a piece of earth
moulded in characteristic fashion. Many charming
drawings have been sent, but most of them err in
the body of the vase being larger than the aperture
at the top. Others are distinct imitations of
wooden structures, while in others the handles
would not be nearly strong enough to be of
service in moving the vase from place to place
without risk of breaking.
We intend to set this competition again at a
later period, and beg our competitors to bear in
mind that the first essence of design is to make the
object designed fulfil its purpose in the most
satisfactory way.

Class B. Pictorial Art.
B i. A Summer Landscape in Water-Colours.
This being our first competition for landscapes
in water-colour, we are particularly gratified with
the large number of thoughtful and pleasing
drawings that have been submitted. Many of them
disclose marked talent, and it has indeed been
somewhat difficult to pick out the two best. Those
which have been selected for prizes are followed
closely in point of merit by two sent in by Black-
thorn and Ceres respectively, which in the opinion
of the judges are worthy of special mention.
We regret that in the present number it is
impossible for us to reproduce any of these
drawings in colour. Half-tone reproductions
would not do justice to the originals, and we
therefore decide to defer reproducing them at all

for the present. We shall, however, shortly be
setting another competition on similar lines, and
hope then to have an opportunity of giving a
selection of these drawings in colour, along with
others which may be submitted in connection with
this fresh competition.
The First Prize (Two Guineas') is awarded to
Bungeworgorai (F. G. Martyn Roberts, Gladstone
Road, Brisbane, South Queensland), and the
Second Prize (One Guinea) to Mab (Miss Mar-
jory A. Blunt, Dorchester, Wallingford). Those
deserving special mention are Blackthorn (Helena
E. Jones) and Ceres (Antonio Ribas Oliver). Hon.
Mention is accorded to Bardie (Eric H. Swin-
stead); Black (Norah C. Dominy); Buckwheat
(Miss A. Beken); Craftsman(Geo.Wilson); Dreamer
(Thirza M. Hounsfield); Dolores (Miss D. B.
Leigh); Eadgythe (Edith A. Langdon); Five
(Hannah M. Lendis); Fram (M. E. Hamilton);
Influx (Cyril C. Pearce); Jason (Dudley Kibbler) ;
Jap (Mrs. M. A. Chambers); Kit (Miss Leigh-
Clare) ; Grand Mantier (Miss M. C. Rotheram);
Loidis (Alf. Wildsmith); Lino (Clifford J. Beese) ;
Laira (R. B. Smart); Max (Miss V. Waddington);
MacGiegor (J. E. Cowlman); Michaelmas (Miss
Edith Ellis); Ozzy (O. Garside) ; Penelope (Miss J.
C. Halford); Peter (Peter Brown); Rythm (Albert
B. Marston); Rex (Dora A. Greatorex); Reigate
(Miss H. E. Grace); Sol (Scott Calder); Sans
Souci (J. C. A. Traill); Teddie (Miss A. M.
Williams); Thomas James (T. J. Dadson); Wat
(W. J. West); Yorks (H. Wanless).
Class C. Photographs from Nature.
C. i. A Harvest Scene.
First Prize (One Guinea) \ ATomad (Emile
Frechon, Blangy-sur-Bresle, Seine-Inf., France).
Second Prize (Half a-Guinea) : Dellburn (Dan
Dunlop, 4 Hamilton Street, Motherwell, N.B.).
Hon. Mention : Gum (Ch. Sollet); Montana
(Violetta M. Fowler); Morello (Leila C. Neale);
Summer (W. Northwood).
Picture Titles Competition.
First Prize of Ten Pounds: Southern Cross
(Edward Hepburn, Nordheim, Sidcup, Kent).
Second Prize of Five Pounds: Dalziel (Dan
Dunlop, 4 Hamilton Street, Motherwell, N.B.).
Five Prizes of Two Pounds each : Genre (Gray-
stone Bird, 38 Milsom Street, Bath); Pyro (F. W
Andrew, Royal Thames Studio, Abingdon); Wys-
dael (J. C. Richards, Bourneville); Westwood
(W. Wheelock, 18 Jesmond Avenue, Toller Lane,
Bradford); Tripod (I. F. Lewis, 286 Birchfield
Road, Birmingham).
