Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 11.1897

DOI Heft:
No. 51 (June 1897)
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Studio- Talk

round modelling of the figure is felt through them. mr ILAN. — The triennial exhibition

This, too, is on a small seale. Indeed, here lies \\ /■ 0f fine arts which was opened in

Miss Potter's talent and force. She is not at her I \ / I APril was full of interest, despite

best in the large; what is remarkable is her neat I y I the fact that the Italian exhibits

suggestiveness and her ability to imply largeness were not fully representative, owing

in miniature. to the concurrent displays in Florence (already

- alluded to in The Studio) and in Venice, of

which latter there will be something to say later

Here in Florence she is for the first time work- on.

ing in marble, and putting into that material the -

work she considers her best—viz., this Young

1/r j7 i r u •, l , tt i A notable fact in connection with this exhibition

Mother, and some of her portrait busts. Her clay ....

i i j. . -i . A ,i V1 i is the evident intention of the various artists to

models are distributed among the marble workers

c t, u • «.u a produce pictures. It would seem as if our painters

of the city, who are carrying on the cutting under \ 1 ^ C1*

, , t .. had come to the conclusion that the " studies"

her personal supervision, and it is surprising to .

, . a a +■ r^i c and impressions" which they have been in the

what good advantage the little iigurettes appear ■ r \ .

, ; -,r n i r ui i r i r habit of sending to the exhibitions are not sufri-

when skiliully carved from out a block ot delicate . . ,

~ U1 ™ c . , , •!, r ciently complete to attract the interest of the
Carrara marble. I he finishing touches she will ot

course put in herself, but as yet none of her work " _

has arrived at that point, for Miss Potter has been

in the Tuscan capital only a short time. Thus, in his picture, Pace ai JVaufraghi, Signor

H. Z. L. Bazzaro not only shows himself the colourist we


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