Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 11.1897

DOI Heft:
No. 52 (July, 1897)
DOI Artikel:
White, Gleeson: Some Glasgow designers and their work, [1]
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Some Glasgow Designers

of the material, but allow
V sufficient spaces for play of

■ light to 8ive a metallic

effect to the design. This

^ ^v<rt reveals the craftsman not

less than the artist; for

f^S^XJP^. designers unaccustomed

4| gai, ^^^2S|^ to the actual manipula-

§Mf ' tion of metal are apt to

wJBHPlk forget its intrinsic beauty,

^flfiHBfci^W' jbn^ an(^ U) l°ave ^ no import-

jll^^^KR^I .v JpBk ant part in the composi-

te ^wl ,ai ^£§lPk tion. The one in beaten

tin is on a simple stand,

^^^MEHI l)Ut tne otner m brass is

on a white enamelled
r jRlHl framing with considerable

'mm WmfmSm character in its form. I Jut

mF£mm it is in this especially that

MstM one feels the absence of

white woodwork above the
JP&jSHEi face of the clock, and

f jjBSHHp Jm^mar- W doubts arise whether a

I^HpPP^ circular form is quite happy

* JgK^^Kmtfjr as the crown of a structure

JHBPjfl| quadrangular in plan, espe-

^^PPPBP*^^mHB| cially when it seems like a

Jjj|NK silhouette on an object

vaft**1^ otherwise modelled in the

KKlSH| round. The subject of

this dial is " the hours
blowing dandelion seeds."
HHH The line pair of candle

sconces (one of which is
illustrated) hang in Mr.
Talwin Morris's dining-


/„. .. . • z? \ room, where a settle exhi-

\By permission of Talwin Moms, Esq.)

bited at the last Arts and
Crafts, and other beautiful

In a notice of the last Arts and Crafts Exhibi- pieces of furniture and metal, prove how admirably
tion which appeared in The Studio reference was the work of Glasgow adapts itself to domestic sur-
made to a clock then exhibited, which was illus- roundings. These sconces are in beaten copper, with
trated with two large panels of beaten silver rich swelling surfaces that exhibit the colour of the
(Vol. IX. p. 203). The two clocks here illustrated metal to the best advantage. A conceit—favoured
(page 95) show the unusual combination of a dial by more than one of the school " the ever-watchful
with pendant weights upon an open stand. eye"—is not only incorporated with the design, but
Whether in each case the unity of the metal with repeated by the nails that project through the eve-
the wood support has been quite achieved may be lets (literally eyelets here) that support the whole,
left an open question. Most probably the sense of A pair of candlesticks, 27 inches high, in beaten
something missing, where the wood suddenly gives brass, devised and executed by Miss Frances Mac-
way to metal, is due to the fact that we are accus- donald alone, are also here. A mirror frame, with
tomed to a complete wooden case, with the metal the appropriate subject "Vanity," in beaten lead,
face framed therein. These dials are wrought in and a pair of sconces in beaten brass, here illus-
Low relief in designs that do not efface the surface trated, need no comment. The latter are con-
