Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 11.1897

DOI Heft:
No. 52 (July, 1897)
DOI Artikel:
White, Gleeson: Some Glasgow designers and their work, [1]
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Some Glasgow Designers

ut his schemes is long, and the victory is not the upper blue, the colour in each intruding as a
lwavs with the artist. Here it would seem that frieze on the adjoining storey, so that the idea of
both parties have worked so loyally to secure the earth to sky is preserved. The plaster has been
desired effect, that praise bestowed on either one is prepared in flat colours of singular quality ; whether

owing to the surface or to some clever manipula-
tion, the effect is of flat but not even colour with a
fine texture in it that imparts a surface not unlike
that upon the " self-colour " bottles of Chinese por-
celain. The whole of the applied decoration is in
stencil, with a large range of colour in the various

clock in brass and ivory

designed and executed by

m. and f. macdonald

equally, if indirectly, credited to the other at the
same time.

Mr. Mackintosh has planned the decoration for cl0ck in rratex tin and ebonized wood

the several floors (which are more or less visible designed and executed by

from each other, owing to the deep " well " which m- and f. macdonald
runs through the whole of the back portion of the

building) with a certain unity of effect. The details. In the Ladies'Room (p. 94) are figures dis-

ground colour of the walls on the first of the posed in groups of varying sizes. These figures have

oors which Mr. Mackintosh has decorated is white robes, and the head of each is set against a

green, the second a greyish-greenish yellow, and disc of gold, by way of nimbus. . An unbroken
