Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 11.1897

DOI Heft:
No. 52 (July, 1897)
DOI Artikel:
White, Gleeson: Some Glasgow designers and their work, [1]
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Some Glasgow Designers

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ eyesores, and mar the

effect of an otherwise
completely satisfactory ex-
|(BP|BP^^^^^W^^W'H^^^^^|^^|j|^^^M periment.

I \ The various pieces of

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^—^^^^^^^^^^ furniture by the same de-
ll #signer, illustrated here,

scarcely need to be supple-

H mented by any written

ft •§ «\ 'f\ description. The linen

'-^mJ^ cupboard with stained

j|H| i green wood panels, deco-

^ rated in lead, touched here

Y „ and there with colour, is

*' also a comely and satis-

■Bjj^B factory piece of well-con-

Wmr _l^mam^^^^^^^^^MW^^^^mmm^^^1L~^^tK structed furniture, with a

certain distinction of style
that is wholly pleasing.
It is impossible, of course,
to give the true value in
black and white of a piece
of furniture such as this,


tor so very much depends
upon the harmony of the

that it is essential to regard it as a very important colours employed. In the chest of drawers are
enterprise. As a rule, money is lavished on the walls one or two novel features which, if they hardly
of popular restaurants, but thought is scantily ex- explain themselves in the photograph here repro-
pended. Here, however, as with Mr. Gerald
Moira's beautiful relief decorations at the Troca-
dero, one wishes that the artist had been able to
control the structural features of the place he has
adorned. Some iron ventilators of commonplace
design ruin at least one of these walls, and clash
painfully with Mr. Mackintosh's work. Other fea-
tures of the woodwork are also so ornate and
superfluous that one regrets their intrusion, not the
less because the actual carving expended is good
and the designs, considered apart from their share
in the scheme of the buildings, quite meritorious
Especially is this the case in the added ornament
to the balustrade which surrounds the well in
the centre of each room. Upon one, obelisks
of wood upon feet, for all the world like the case
of a metronome, are perched at intervals along
the handrail, looking as if an incautious passer by
might send them crashing on visitors below ; in
another, stone coats of arms with supporters, in the
round, look equally comical, stuck as they are at
regular intervals on the handrail of the balcony.

In one of the gable ends of the smoking-room is
air oval cartouche with Rococo fioriation in high
relief. Contrasted with the severe lines of Mr.

u , • , , , t1 j POSTER BY C R. MACKINTOSH

Mackintosh s decoration, these costly additions are

