Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 11.1897

DOI Heft:
No. 52 (July, 1897)
DOI Artikel:
The Home Arts and Industries Association at the Royal Albert Hall, 1897
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Home Arts and Industries

chapel near Limner's Lease,
and executed by the Compton
branch of the Society), which
form the filling for the span-
drel of an arch, and show de-
lightful invention of Celtic
interlaced straps and grotesque
figures. These were kindred
to others from the same source
which we noticed at some
length last year. The pottery
by John T. Firth of Kirby
Lonsdale, if of varying merit
artistically, is peculiarly inte-
resting all the same, because it
is the actual design and handi-
work of one person, not a
potter by profession, who has
not only obtained considerable
mastery over his material, but
has revived the solid black
ware of old Etruscan origin.
It was said (by one of the
ladies in charge), that the de-
parture was without precedent
in England, and that Wedge-
wood so-called black ware was
really a red body coated with
black. An unlucky accident
to a fine piece of black Wedge-
wood actually by our side as
we write this, proves beyond
doubt that such a statement is
without foundation. But this
correction does not in any
way diminish the interest of a
group of objects which showed,

~~- 'rz^--- ---^^r^^^fZHf^'"1^^' ~ among more commonplace

forms, several of considerable


EXECUTED BY KATE SHAWYER, Hasleiliere r, r i

the personality of a single

Robbia " ware on this stall, to certain book covers Among the Leigh exhibits were some excellent
and to a few other objects throughout the Exhibi- carvings after designs by Mr. Aumonier, one, a
tion. Doubtless those who chose to copy or adapt triptych-frame, being especially noticeable. Several
designs already used did so in good faith; but in stools, despite their construction being unduly
such cases frank recognition of the original that emphasised, were picturesque and entirely merited
inspired them is better for all concerned. the adjective "quaint." Many boxes with hinged
In a long afternoon, which included at least three fronts, intended to contain photographs, were ex-
complete perambulations of the huge ellipse, with cellent in pattern and handiwork ; but the metal
careful attention to the objects upon each stall, a few locks, a very striking feature of their design, turned
but only a few, seemed worthy of particular notice. out to be of foreign origin, as no good substitute
First among these came terra-cotta slabs (designed was obtainable here. Surely this hint to the
by Mrs. G. F. Watts, for the decoration of a small metal workers throughout the Association should