Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 11.1897

DOI issue:
No. 52 (July, 1897)
DOI article:
The Home Arts and Industries Association at the Royal Albert Hall, 1897
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Ilomc Arts and Industries

H P. C

frieze. carved by james brooks designed by the association, Ratdiff

manipulation, on others you felt that a certain de- after it has been fixed on the covers ; it is making
ference to established precedent was too evident. elaborate patterns from simple dots, and needs but
Nearly all modern French bindings, and no few of full faith in itself to break away from the hackneyed
the English, are irreproachable, but dull. One does precedents which have well-nigh choked the craft of
not advise all binders to emulate Mr. D. S. MacColl's bookbinding here and abroad. Two big copper
vividly personal work, nor to copy Mr. Cobden- jardinieres, a quantity of elaborate embroideries, a
Sanderson's beautiful compositions, still less to lacquered panel, and much wood-carving were also
rival the so-called Japanese effects popular in the work of the Chiswick branch. If the layman only
France ; but you cannot but wish that they tried to realised that this and various other branches of the
break away from routine as some moderns have Association can be trusted to execute special corn-
done. In several of the Chiswick covers there is missions for furniture, binding, embroidery, and other
evidence that this capable school may before long fine crafts satisfactorily and at moderate prices, then
develop a style of its own at once new and good. might the average wedding present give way to
It is experimenting in dyes, applied to the leather some personally appropriate object made specially

for its intended owners. This
practice would help useful

_____ institutions and raise the artistic

"^^fiBfP^ level of the costly superfluities

^'Sg™5ai7?tfw showered 011 newly married
h>mM^KBSKK^^SS couples-

MThe embossed and gilded

would be well worthy a place in
any European exhibition of the
applied arts. The elaborate
design by Miss Baker, which
consists of dogs and stags dis-
posed amid flowing scrolls, is
masterly of its class, and the
execution deserves no less high
^N, praise. The spirit of the de-

sign atones for its strict obedi-
ence to established precedents,
'lli'Jliy and proves that even the driest


^^MMPRHi bones can be made t0 live

again if the artist has power to
re-infuse vitality.

~=—~^ltSp'~ Fivemiletown, Ireland, con-

tributed fenders of pierced
brass, one with a frieze of
settle, designed by erances macey. executed by the class, Yattmdon owls, another with figures of
