Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 13.1898

DOI issue:
No. 62 (May, 1898)
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Studio- Talk

"syrinx" by g. hall neale

reproduced on page 271, is not the least of Mr.
Morrison's successes : it is strikingly rich in colour
as a study in browns.

The Isle of Man coast has inspired two large
seascapes in oil by Richard Wane, The great Cliffs
of the Ocean stand and Battle with the Waves for
Ever, and Clearing Up, in which the strong quality
of the painting, the luminous colour of the curling
waves, and the realisation of an angry sea are
noticeable features. G. Hall Neale has recently
completed a large water-colour entitled Syrinx—a
poetic rendering, both as regards colour and draw-

ing, of the Greek myth of flute-like music in
the water-reeds (see reproduction on this page),
A very successful portrait by the same artist of
the present Lord Mayor of Liverpool (Alder-
man Houlding) has been admired equally for
the quality of its painting as for the excellence
of its likeness.

Another industrious Liverpool artist, Isaac
Cooke, R.B.A., has been busy upon Snow-
Clad Crags of fdwa/} a small canvas picturing
the Devil's Kitchen and rosy evening light on
the clouds that are driving over the snowy tops.
Also two water-colours of shower and sunshine
effects in the Kirkstowe Pass and Cader Idris.
At the R.B.A. Mr. Cooke is showing two
water-colours—Sunshine Showers over Cader
Idris, from the wild moorland road to Dinas
Mouth, with a solitary shepherd's home, and
an October Evening Glow on Place Fell, Patter-
dale, Ullswater lake reflecting the fiery glow of
light on the mountain-side; and at the Royal
Institute, a small water-colour of Sunshine
Showers over the Summits of Catchedesam and
Helvellyn. Robert Fowler's work is referred
to in the extra number of The Studio this

Of other local artists, including W. B. Boadle,
A. E. Brockbank, R.B.A., Arthur Cox, Robert
Dobson, G. Cockram, R.C.A., Hampson Jones,
J. V. Parsons, Miss Jessie Macgregor, and
others, who are represented in the London
exhibitions at this season, I must forego any
further mention on account of limitations of
space. H. B. B.

BERLIN.—For several months past
the whole art-world has been under
the spell of Arnold Bocklin. The
seventieth birthday of the famous
Swiss painter, recently celebrated,
brought forth a veritable flood of brochures of all
kinds on the life of the artist and the development
of his genius. A wave of enthusiasm passed over
the whole land, and it was completely forgotten
that but a few years ago most people greeted
with jeers and sarcasms Bocklin's strange fantasies
which, even now, the great majority are quite in-
capable of appreciating. But we live in a rapid
age, and the immediate past is soon forgotten in
the present. _

To do him honour, the citizens of Bale, the