Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 41.1910

DOI Heft:
Nr. 161 (July, 1910)
DOI Artikel:
The Royal Academy exhibition, 1910
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The Royal Academy Exhibition, igio

others, like Mr. Loudan's Reflections, Mr. Patry's found among the portraits ; in this section of the

Rouge et Noir, Mr. Richard Jack's The Spirit of exhibition there is, indeed, a full measure of good

the Stream, Mr. C. W. Wyllie's When the Ships things. Three exquisite canvases by that con-

Come Home, Sir James Linton's St. Valentine's summate master, Sir William Orchardson, prove

Day, and Mr. George Henry's The Nightingale, most definitely what an irreparable loss British art

which show a thoroughly sound sense of technical has sustained by his death, and show how splendidly

responsibility. They all of them help to keep up his powers were maintained even to the last. Four

the standard of the collection. With them must remarkable paintings of men by Sir Hubert von

be included the two ambitious open-air studies, Herkomer are conspicuous as acute studies of

Boys, and Flying a Kite, by Mrs. Laura Knight, character realized with even more than his accus-

the first of which is a bold and reasonably success- tomed intimacy of vision and certainty of touch,

ful attempt to paint an effect of strong sunlight, and as marking what is in some ways a new de-

and the other a breezy and luminous landscape parture in his technical method. A charming por-

with figures; and there is much to commend in trait study, Black and Silver, by Mr. J. J. Shannon,

Mr. Harold Knight's Afternoon Tea; Mr. Camp- is fascinating in its frank and expressive vivacity

bell Taylor's small domestic scene, Bubbles; Mr. of style and in its delightful freshness of colour;

Lee Hankey's The Young Mother; Mr. Byam and a magnificent family group, The Birthday,

Shaw's Love is too young to know what conscience is; by Mr. George Harcourt, stands out as one of

and the two small pictures, Old Cronies and The the indisputable " pictures of the year," and as

Green Mantelshelf, by Mr. Stanhope Forbes. an achievement which definitely sets the seal upon

Some of the most noteworthy examples of the reputation of an artist whose progress towards

serious and well directed craftsmanship are to be the front rank has been rapid and continuous.

