Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 41.1910

DOI Heft:
Nr. 161 (July, 1910)
DOI Artikel:
The International Society's tenth exhibition
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The International Society s Exhibition

THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIE- another fails us as an individual triumph we are-

TY'S TENTH EXHIBITION. always in the end rewarded,by finding in some
few canvases the sources of this pleasurable sensa-

Following the precedent of the past two tion. We cannot help believing too that it implies,

years the annual exhibition of the International genius to hand somewhere; and a visit to the

Society of Sculptors, Painters and Gravers has exhibition then becomes a search for this among

been arranged as a double event—a general ex- some things that are only ostentatious and others

hibition of works by members and others invited that are purely imitative.

by the Committee, and a special exhibition con- The semi-circle of impressionist pictures formed

secrated to " Fair Women." In previous years, round the dais this year at the end of the large

when the exhibition was held at the New Gallery, room was in appearance a distinguished part of'

the International led the way in the annual pro- the exhibition. The intervening dais helped to-

cession of important exhibitions, but this year, keep the visitor at the proper distance for a right

with their transference to the Grafton Galleries, appreciation of this kind of painting, and its,

they have elected to come with the throng. The peculiar beauties, chiefly of colour. In these the

first part of the exhibition came to a close last brushwork is carried to the logical conclusion of

month, and the second part, which followed it, will the modern method—to the achievement of a

continue open till the end of July. In this touch that expresses everything with an effort that

article we deal only with the former. apparently amounts to nothing. Living to them-

There is always a sense of freshness and liveli- selves and their art, these French painters at last,

ness in the air at the "International;" this is a get to exchange with each other, in art, everyday

quality which does not diminish there with sentiments by means of the briefest symbol, but:

succeeding exhibitions, and if one work after there is an outer world to whom they are not:

