Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 41.1910

DOI issue:
Nr. 161 (July, 1910)
DOI article:
The Royal Academy exhibition, 1910
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The Royal Academy Exhibition, igio


little work which can be said to mark any novel shown are Mr. Goscombe John's frieze, The Charge

artistic purpose or to point any departure from of Balaclava, Mr. Thornycroft's statue of The Late

precedent. Most of the contributors have been Lord Tennyson, Mr. Drury's statue of T/ie Late

content to follow capably the paths to which they Duke of Devonshire, Mr. Pomeroy's statue of Sir

are accustomed rather than to seek for new direc- George Livesey, the busts of Archie Rosenthal,

tions in which to express themselves. As a con- Esq., by Mr. Derwent Wood; Lord Curzon of

sequence the gathering of sculpture this year has Kedleston, by Mr. Thornycroft; Alfred HillicY,

much the same sort of atmosphere that pervades Esq., by Mr. Henry Pegram; The Late fohn M.

the collection of pictures ; it is sound and serious, Swan, R.A., by Mr. Goscombe John; and Penelope,

but, on the whole, uninspired. But though much by Mr. Basil Gotto; and the small silver relief of

of it can scarcely claim to attract more than passing Nowroiee Nasserwanjee Wadia, by Mr. Albert

attention, very high praise is certainly due to such Bruce-Joy.

real successes as the Madonna of the Peach Among the water-colours, Mr. J. Young Hunter's

Tree, by Sir George Frampton; Mr. Drury's bust Love or Fame; Mr. East's Ln Lever Park, and A

of Queen Mary ; the Sigurd statuette by Mr. Gilbert Spanish Carnival; Mr. HassalPs The Deputation ;

Bayes—which has also been purchased by the Miss Gow's The Balloon ; and the fanciful Tumble,

Chantrey Fund Trustees—the bust, La Pose, by Froth and Fun, by Mr. Sims, are conspicuous ; and

by Mr. Lynn Jenkins ; the bronze statue, The Elf, Dewy Morn, by Sir E. A. Waterlow; The Footbridge,

by Mr. Goscombe John; the marble group, The by Mr. Rackham ; The Acropolis, by Sir Charles

Mother, by Mr. Bertram Mackennal; and the Holroyd; The Roman Campagna, by Mr. Albert

series of Chivalry panels by Mr. W. Reynolds- Goodwin ; and an Lnterior by Mr. H. Becker, also

Stephens. The most important of the other works call for comment.