Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 41.1910

DOI issue:
Nr. 161 (July, 1910)
DOI article:
Frantz, Henri: Some notable pictures at the New Salon in Paris
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Pictures at the New Salon

the Brussels International Exhibition and at that
of Buenos Aires, and the painters have not always
sufficient canvases in their studios to meet all
requirements and to represent them in all the
shows. I will, then, just mention the important
absentees : M. Roll, the popular President of the
Nationale ; the excellent landscapist, Billotte ; and
also Zakarian and Zuloaga. In spite of this, there
are plenty of good things in the exhibition.

Lucien Simon ! Never perhaps has this artist's
beautiful work appeared under such varied guise
as this year in the three large canvases which form
a synthesis of his three styles, and the three phases
of his talent. The picture which he calls La
Comedie, in which one sees children in costume
acting a play in a park, is reminiscent in a great
degree of his earliest work. It is a powerful,
vigorous piece of work with strong shadows, but a
trifle heavy in places. In Le Bain we see again
the painter of Brittany. A water-colour which he
showed some two years ago had already given a
first idea of this picture, in which we see Breton
women bathing in the waters of a bay. In this
picture the idea is expressed more completely and

executed with more finish, not indeed, carried
sufficiently far as regards the landscape, but, never-
theless, incontestably a very fine piece of work.
Lastly, La Poursuite forms, as it were, a new phase in
the work of this great artist. One cannot imagine
anything more liquid, more aerial, more pleasing
to the eye than this large picture, showing upon a
flowery terrace some young girls running towards
their mother. What elegance and dainty graceful-
ness, what charm of colour ! One dare almost say
that the soul of Botticelli blossoms forth in this work.

There is nothing stronger or more decided in
technique in the exhibition than Charles Cottet's
Ckrkmonie dans la Cathkdrale de Burgos, in which
he evinces his customary brilliant qualities, fine
composition, rich and warm colour, and bold
drawing. In this picture, sumptuous in colouring,
though at the same time sombre and of austere
character, the artist employs tones of the utmost
richness, and particularly certain reds of extreme
beauty. This cannot be described as a seductive
work, but it is noteworthy just on account of those
habitual characteristics of the painter, and it
decidedly is a work of deep thoughtfulness.

