Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 41.1910

DOI issue:
Nr. 161 (July, 1910)
DOI article:
The last of the Alexander Young collection
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The Alexander Young Collection

various phases. Most of them were executed large and imposing landscape, which is now in the

during his best period, between i860 and 1874, Wilstach Gallery in Philadelphia. It was exhi-

and display his remarkable breadth and freedom bited at the Guildhall, London, in 1898. Of the

of execution, and fine feeling for tone values, figure pictures by Millet The Good Samaritan was

The most important was The Willow Tree, while the most representative, while two superb chalk

Les Bords de la Cure, Morvan, will be remembered studies, The Shepherd and The Track of the Wolf,

as having won the Gold Medal at Paris in 1900. express all the pathos and tragedy of rustic life

Another fine example was The Drinking Place, with that simplicity and dignity which characterise

which was reproduced in colour in these pages, as the artist's work.

was a noble canvas Foret de Fontainebleau, dignified The two animal painters of the group, Troyon

in conception, and rendered with strength and and Jacque, were to be seen to great advantage in

lofty simplicity by Theodore Rousseau. the collection, and The Old Shepherd, by the latter,

Diaz, the friend and pupil of Rousseau, was is undoubtedly one of his finest works. Of the

admirably represented, both by his figure work and typical examples of Troyon's cattle pictures we

his imposing landscapes, the Fete Champetre being may mention La Charrette de Foin, Vaches an

a particularly fine example of the former branch Paturage and Cattle Resting, while an impressive

of his art, and rivalling in jewel-like quality the pro- and dramatic work, Shepherd collecting his Flock, is

ductions of Monticelli. Other splendid canvases different in feeling and treatment to the artist's usual

by him were L'Orage and The Fool in the Wood. productions. The other member of the famous

One of the most important works in the collec- group, Jules Dupre, was also well represented,

tion was the Solitude by Jean Francois Millet, a Of the modern Dutch painters the work of

