Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 41.1910

DOI Heft:
Nr. 161 (July, 1910)
DOI Artikel:
The last of the Alexander Young collection
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The Alexander Young; Collection

by j. b. c. corot


• t]v the We are indebted to Messrs. Thos. Agnew & Sons

Anton Mauve recalls perhaps most distinctly uie . o

, ■ ,, I tV. ™iWHnn con- and Messrs. Walhs & Son for permission to

men of Fontainebleau, and the collection con u r

tained many fine examples of his fascinating art, reproduce some of the works which will appear in

Milking Tune, In the Shade of the Trees, The the forthcoming sale Judging by the fine quality

Old Shepherd, and The Wet Road being amongst of the pictures which are to be sold, ,t is antic-

.. . t ivaq also nated that some will fetch very high prices. I hose

the most important. Tames Mans was aiso p^cu 1 ° f

.j i k{„ d-^., ,£Wy who follow the records of the sale-rooms need
admirably represented by his Jiarges, j-^wj

. , „, ,, u;u hk hrother hardly be reminded of the astounding figures

Morning and Showery Weather, while his oromer u*iuij o o

wir i j , , ■, thp collection, reached in the Yerkes sale, recently held in New

William had several works in the conecuuu, *

ovamnle bv the York, when Corot s Fisherman realized ,£ 16,100 ;

which, however, contained no example uy lug .,,,■/- „ ,

_f . . ' , ,t • ti,a v^pran artist, the same artist's Morning, ,£10,420; Troyon s

poet-painter, Matthew Mans. ihe veteran <uuaij .,.../■ , r>- 7—77

t ct ju 1 Vnown G 01ns: to Market, -£\2,\oo\ Millets Pig Killers,

Josef Israels, was represented by such well-known u</»»s , ' ~ J .,, . .

™ ... rnitmre ^8.820: and Diaz s Gathering Maggots, -A, 6,020.

pictures as 7X< Shipwrecked Manner, The Cottage w™. _* 6e,

Madonna, and other works. Of the lesser-known

p. . , _ , , n' Rnrk Artz, The first exhibition of the Society of Graver-
Dutchmen, Bosboom, Mesdag, De dock, ^i^> , • , . ,

Neuhuys, and Weissenbruch were all to be seen in Printers in Colour was, as stated in the article on

the collection, which also contained examples by the Society last month, to have opened on May 20,

r, ... , , „ „, • ,,• van Afarrke at Messrs. Manzi, Joyant Go. s Galleries, Bed-
Georges Michel, Decamps, Monticelh, Van AiarcKe, , . , , ,

t 1 r> -n t It • WomWrniPs T 'Her- ford Street, but owing to the death of king

Jules Breton, Boudm, Lupine, Harpignies, i- nei > o a

ry- , ' „ , „„:„f0rQ Edward the date was altered to June 16.
mitte, F. Ziem, and other French painters.


Not the least interesting feature of the collecti

was the splendid series of water colours, mostly of With reference to the notice and illustrations of

ihe Dutch School, which included drawings by Sir George Frampton's house in our April number,

Mauve, De Bock Fritz Thoelen, Weissenbruch, it should be mentioned that Mr. E. Guy Dawber

and some beautiful examples by the Frenchman, was responsible for all the designs, excepting only

Harpignies. those of the mantelPleccs-
