Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 41.1910

DOI issue:
Nr. 161 (July, 1910)
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a brilliant display with their wealth of floral beauty, the path which leads from the house to the garden

only a faint idea of which can, of course, be obtained on this side is flanked on either side by beds with

from black-and-white illustrations. yellow and crimson bush roses mixed.

In the case of the garden at Blankenhain, how- There is, of course, nothing new in all this. It

ever, the two illustrations do indeed convey some is no world of undreamt-of possibilities that is here

notion of the abundant provision of flowering revealed, but it is beauty of a modest but benignant

plants which has here been made. Grassy slopes mien that here holds sway, as it should be in the

surround the house and enclose the cellar base- gardens of middle class folk, so that they may find

ment, and as the ornamental gardens are at a lower therein a pleasant retreat, and at the same time an

elevation, they are overlooked from the house, opportunity of beholding and enjoying the wonders

Surrounding these gardens is a screen of beeches and which nature from her bounteous storehouse brings-

other leafy trees, and climbing roses of divers hues to us every spring and summer. L. D. (Munich),
grow and thrive on the sunny side of the house

itself. The circular bed in the middle is planted 1 X RUSSELS.—The art circle L'Estampe re-

with tall sunflowers and dahlias, and this is en- I J cently opened its fourth annual Salon,

circled by four other beds radiant with a gorgeous 1 and already its exhibitions have taken

display of floral decoiation. In the lower left- ** a premier place among shows of the

hand corner of the large illustration on p. 69, a kind. The organiser of these Salons, M. R. Sand,

bed of pink bush roses breaks the rounded contour has realised that in such a case " protection " would

of the sward. Rhododendrons of a brilliant red be out of place, and notwithstanding that the

flank the garden seats, painted white, as also the principal etchers and engravers belong to the cercle,

sculpture along the hedge which divides the and more or less hold the success of its exhibitions

kitchen garden at the rear of the house. In front in their hands, has never hesitated to give each

of this sculpture is a bed of pink bush roses, while year a great part of the space to retrospective