Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 41.1910

DOI Heft:
Nr. 164 (October, 1910)
DOI Artikel:
Shugio, H.: Japanese art and artists of to-day, 2, Ceramic artists
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Japanese Art and Artists of To-day.—II. Ceramic Artists

ornamented by deserve, and I shall therefore only mention a

\^%%*^0^^^^^W>>'' nne carving, few names which I cannot leave unmentioned

''' ****** J* ' l and the vase before concluding this short notice of our

■^^^^SS&mSSSSa^-' . with the dragon ceramic artists : Alatsumoto Sahei or Shoundo,

ears (below), of Kaga, one of the famous potters of Kutani ;

decorated with Horikawa Kozan and Kawamoto Hideo, of

fine carving Tokio; Ito Tozan, Shofu Katei and Suwa

and gold and Sozan, of Kioto; Mori and Hori, of Ise ;

enamel paint- Kato Sukusuke, Kato Shubei, Kato Monyemon,

ing over the Kato Gosuke, and Kato Mitsutaro, of Owari ;

glaze, are other Nishiura Yendji and lto Coroyemon, of Mino;

examples of the Tashiro Seijizaye-

incense burner by masataro wolk °f this m0"' °f s°ma;

keida of kagoshima, satsuma talented artist. Taniguchi Brothers,

Inadditionto Ishino Riuzan,
those already named there are many other good Shimidsu Bizen,
and artistic potters who have sent their works to and Ide Zentaro, of
the present exhibition, but the lack of space and Kaga; Id sumo
time does not allow me to speak of them as Kinzo, Nagaoka
fully as I should like and as their merits Sumiyemon and

K a w a k a m i
Fusaichi, of
Id s u mo;
Sasaki Roku-
taro, of Ye-
hime; Haya-
kawa, K.amei,
and Ka ba-
sh i m a, of
C h i k u z e n ;
Tsuji, Yuki-
take, Aoki,
Yamamot o,
Tetsuka, and
I maidsumi,
of A r i t a
Hizen; Oka-
be, of Higo;
Togo Jusho,
K u.fi se'ki,
Kinji, and
Uyeno Yai-
c h i r o, of
Kago s h i m a,

H. S.

vases made by masataro
keida of kagoshima,

vase made by k1chiji watano of kutani, kaga °^ ■ satsuma
