Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 41.1910

DOI Heft:
Nr. 164 (October, 1910)
DOI Artikel:
The National Competition of Schools of Art, 1910, at South Kensington
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The National Competition of Schools of A rt, - igio

silver ^and'enamel bracelet set with
moonstones, shown by a boy of four-
teen, Edward Joseph, of Islington
(Camden) School of Art (see p. 294),
and some excellent work in the same
line was shown by another student of
the same school, Mary A. Gilfillan
(p. 295). The beauty of red coral, not
recognised sufficiently by most jewel-
lers, was exemplified by Constance
Paine, of Bradford School of Art, in

silver salt-cellar and spoons

by alfred p. pearce (birmingham, margaret street)

design for damask table cloth

by william lilley (belfast)

pottery plaque by ethel wall (oldham)

a very successful pendant. Some of the smaller
work in metal was full of charm. Among the
examples calling for notice were the card case of

In the department of metal work,
gold and silver work, and jewellery,
some of the best things shown this year
were to be found. A remarkable degree
of accomplishment was displayed in
the gold bracelet by Alice M. Camwell
of Birmingham (Margaret Street), with
tiny alternating posies of foliage and
flowers in enamel—a piece of work of
great delicacy and one which well
deserved the high award of a gold
medal and the flattering comments
bestowed upon it by the judges, Mr.
Nelson Dawson, Mr. Alexander Fisher
and Mr. T. Erat Harrison. Examples
of precocious skill were the tasteful
silver and enamel pendant set with
moonstones and emeralds, and the design for wallpaper by Herbert m. smith (Bradford^
