Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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[May 20, 1882.


There is nothing so mueh to my fancy
As to sit where young lovers frequent,

In the Park, hy the side of Miss Pansy,

Who hasn’t a heart—and less rent!—
’Neath the hranehes that shade like a tent,
And watch *‘the subdued and the slow,”

The restless, the hot, the content,

In a penny armchair in the Row.

Poor Frank you see at a glanee he
Is commeneing at last to repent
The vows that he pledged in the dance he
Sat out with old Mrs. Consent.

'L'here’s Tom, who has come to invent
An excuse for his marriage with Flo,

Who sings at the Suffolk and Kent,—

Tn a penny armchair in the Row.

Old Time makes no further advanoe, he
Has not even heart to relent;

He holds daily drill, yet perchance he
Has a penchant for ribbons and scent.

The procession of fashion that bent
O'er the rails when Beau Brummel was beau
Are passed—yet we do not lament,
ln our penny armchair in the Row.


Toby, an hour is well spent
In the study of Life high and low
Buy, buy, t.he show’s but a cent.—

Take a penny armchair in the Row.

The 1'emps suggests the query:—“ Whether there are-
insoluble problems, and if Ireland be not one of them ? ”

! Wanted, a Statesman, to solve the Irish problem. He
will be required to have first succeeded in squaring the
cirole, and to have discovered perpetual motion.



“ Thank you, Eric ; but I wants myself ! ”

Mrs. Ramsbotham says her new Spanish salad, made
with Aragon vinegar, is greatly esteemed by some of
the most distinguished talleaux-vivants.

oboes, and clarinets take advantage of the opportunity. Siegfried's
general appreciation of larks has taught him to understand the lan-
guage of the birds, and one of them, to the “ Second-turning-to-the-
right-and-then-keep-straight-on Motive,” tells himwhere Brunnhilde
is sleeping. He goes, wakes her up, falls iu love with her, and then
begins the Grand Yocal Competition. “ Nice voice you have,” says
Siegfried. “ Oh. do you think so? That’s very kind of you,” says
Briinnhilde. “ Not in the least. Can you sing A’s ? ” “ Certainly.

Can you? I can sing B’s.” “ Really ! I can sing C sharp, if I

want to. Let ’s see how long we can keep on at it ? I ’m a little
out of practice, thougli. Why, I ’ve been sleeping here since lonu
before you were born! ” “ How strange ! Nevermind. Come on ! ”

Advice to those who want to hear the Grrand Vocal Competition : —
GLo outside. Use your own judgment as to coming in again.

There is one excellent thing about the Gotterdiimmerung—it is the
last of the series.

Advice to those who go to hear the Gbtterddmmerung (which
begins at half-past six) :—See the Prologue ; go and dine quietly at
your Club ; come back and ask a friend to tell you ail about Gunter
—without the ices—and his reiations. Here are Siegfried and
Briinnhilde. He gives her the ring, she gives him her horse. To the
“ Trifle-weak-in-the-forelegs,-but-otherwise-sound-enough Motive,”
Briinnhilde tells her husband to “ uphold him well,” (see Mr. Alfred
Forman’s ingenious translation of the book). Unfortunately, how-
ever, Siegfried, having got a good deal mixed up with ali the con-
juring business, forgets that he is married, commits bigamy, and is
stuck in the back, when he isn’t looking, by his brother-in-law,
Hagen, who is probably rehearsing Clown’s business for Christmas,
as he waggishly directs Siegfried’s attention to a couple of birds
up in the air, and then sticks him. The “ Hirty-mean-trick
Motive ” expresses natural abhorrence. Out of forty-five charac-
ters, forty-one are now dead, so the vocalists give in, and with a
triumphant fiourish in the orchestra it ’s all over.

Honourable mention: Herr Niemann, voice a good deal worn, but
good artist all round. Herr Heinrich Vogl, good singer, good
actor. Herr Schlosser, very admirable performance of Panto-
Mime. If Herr Wagner’s music is in advance of his age (is he
fwelve ?), his misj en scene is very far behind it.


Offered a .d Taken.

He Plunged Ileavily.

A Bit eor Backbiters.—Your friend in the habit of abusing his
other friends in your presence, is equally accustomed to abuse your-
self in your absence. __

Proprietor oe Less than Nothing.—The Owner of a mortgaged
estate in Ireland.
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