Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 41.1910

DOI Heft:
Nr. 161 (July, 1910)
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Art School notes
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Art School Notes


of Vladimir at Kieff, the artist has in the^present f "X RACOW.—Joseph Mecina Krzesz, the
series striven to respect as far as possible the f Polish painter, has paid a touching

canonical traditions of Russian ecclesiastical paint- » i tribute to the memory of his great
ing, while seeking to infuse life into them by giving ^ compatriot, Chopin, whose centenary
expression to the principles of modern decorative has recently been celebrated, in the picture repro-
art. In this new undertaking by Vasnetzoff one duced on this page. The artist, who is a native
can see that West-European influence is even of Cracow, where he studied under Matejko, de-
greater than before, especially that of the early votes himself chiefly to portraiture, but occasionally
German masters. The composition is in parts makes excursions into the region of genre painting,
of much greater dramatic force ; its accents are several large works of a religious character being
more intense; and in the coloration also greater among his productions of this order. He has
intensification is observable. studied in Paris under J. P. Laurens, Humbert,
- and other masters.

From the point of view of style, these five

paintings of Vasnetzoff do not make a uniform ART SCHOOL NOTES,
series, nor are they artistically of precisely equal

merit. The huge canvas of The Last Judgment, ¥. ON DON.—An ardent desire for reform,

for example, is quite in the style of those versions I or at all events for enquiry, appears to

of this theme which are to be found in the Russian I have affected almost simultaneously the

picture books, while The Last Supper is altogether ^ ~ various authorities responsible for the

academic in conception. The most effective of direction of the public art schools of London,

them without a doubt is The Crucifixion, of which The Royal Academy School, as the result of an

an illustration will be found on the preceding page, exhaustive enquiry by a Committee of Acade-

and it must be acknowledged that rarely has Victor micians, has reverted to the methods of teaching

Vasnetzoff in his religious paintings attained to such in vogue before the reforms of 1903; the London

monumentally, alike in respect of dramatic expres- County Council Schools have been overhauled :

sion and in regard to the congruity of the colour and now a Committee has been appointed by the

scheme as he has in this powerful creation. P. E. President of the Board of Education to consider