Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 53.1914

DOI Heft:
Nr. 212 (October, 1914)
DOI Artikel:
American art at the Anglo-American Exposition
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Studio- Talk

From the ensemble one misses the very personal
work of Myron Barlow, and the clever interiors of
Walter Gay, both of these painters being unrepre-
sented ; there is no example of the art of Winslow
Homer, and one regrets the absence of any canvas
by Whistler. These omissions apart, the exhibition
is one of much interest, presenting, as it does, to
the British public a fine collection of work by
painters whose art both for its own sake and for
the sake of our close national kinship one would
desire a better acquaintanceship with on this side
of the Atlantic. A. R.
(From Our Own Correspondents.)
LONDON.—The month of August to which
most of us look forward as a period of
peaceful relaxation and rest has this year
opened with the most stupendous upheaval
of armed force that the world has ever witnessed.

What the ultimate effect of this great war will be
on the progress of art it is impossible to say, but
it must inevitably have far-reaching consequences.
Its immediate effect, however, is nothing short of
disastrous to the vast majority of those engaged in
the practice of one or other branch of art. Even
portrait painters who in normal times are rarely
without a commission, find themselves idle owing
to commissions being cancelled in consequence of
the financial disturbance, and a large number of
artists who depend for a livelihood on work of a
more or less “commercial” character are having a
hard time.

In turbulent times such as these, when the air
is filled with echoes from the battlefield, it is
a welcome relief to turn for a moment to
things which remind one of the calm and peace
of the sanctuary. Such are the two altar cards
of which we give reproductions. They were exe-
cuted by Mr. W. H. Cowlishaw, architect, of Letch-


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