Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 50.1913

DOI issue:
Nr. 198 (August 1913)
DOI article:
Frantz, Henri: The Rouart collection, 3: The works of Millet
DOI article:
The landscapes of Corot
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The Rouart Collection.— The IRorhs of Millet

“la fin de la journee (l’homme a la veste) ” (oil painting on canvas)
(Photo, E. Druet, Paris j


(6200 fr.); Paysage (4700 fr., Musee du Louvre);
Le Prieure de Vauville, Manche (2100 fr.); Pay-
sage (3800 fr.); Ferme du Lot (3050 fr.); Offrande a
Pau (2600 fr.); Les Becheurs (5000 fr.); EEntree
de la Foret a Barbizon (10,200 fr., Musee du
Louvre); Portrait de Madame J. F Millet (7500
fr.) ; La Fuite en Egypte (5500 fr.); La Sainte
Face (1050 fr.) ; Paysanne (7600 fr.); Saint
Terdme (1500 fr.); Femme vue de dos (3700 fr.) ;
Etude de nu (3300 fr.); Ane portant des paniers
(650 fr.) ; EAdoration des Mages (1800 fr.); two
drawings for the works of Fenimore Cooper (1650
and 2500 fr.); Pay sage d'Auvergne (2400 fr., the
Louvre) ; Etude de nu (2050 fr., the Louvre);
Etude de femme (3000 fr.); Les premiers pas
(2700 fr.) ; Pay sans endormis (1450 fr.).
There remain to be noticed certain works of
great importance by other masters whose talent was
early appreciated by M. Rouart, and to these, there-
fore, I propose to devote my concluding article on
his collection. H. F.

With the exception of Turner no landscape
painter enjoys more universal popularity than Corot.
In his native France, in Germany, Holland, America,
and Great Britain his poetic canvases are much
sought after and admired, while his influence on
present-day landscape art is unquestionable.
The Editor has in preparation an important work
on the landscapes of Corot, dealing more especially
with the later and finest period of the master’s art,
which will form a companion volume to “ Turner’s
Water-Colours at Farnley Hall ” issued last year.
There will be thirty plates in facsimile colours made
direct from carefully selected examples in well-known
public and private collections in France, England,
and elsewhere, and every effort is being made to
ensure the reproductions being as perfect as possible.
Mr. 1). Croal Thomson, author of “ The Barbizon
School ” and the well-known authority on the works
of Corot, is contributing the letterpress.