Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 31.1907

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NUMBERS 121 TO 124
Aman-Jean, The Pastel Drawings of. By Raymond Bouver. Six Illustrations ..... 285
American Sculpture of To-day. By Selwyn Brinton, M.A. Ten Illustrations ..... 34
Art of the Painter-Etcher—Etching from Nature. By Alfred East, A.R.A., P.R.B.A., R.E. Seven
Illustrations ............... 278
Arts and Crafts, The Exhibition of the Society of, Boston. By Eva Lovett. Eight Illustrations . . xxvii
Art of Wood-Carving, Practical Points of the. By Karl Von Rydingsvard. Six Illustrations . . lxxix
Baldry, A. Lys
Professor Moira’s Recent Mural Decorations. Eleven Illustrations ...... 24
The Recent Work of Walter West, R.W.S. Sixteen Illustrations ..... ^ 87
Some Medallions by Mr. A. Bruce-Joy, R.H.A. Nine Illustrations ...... 199
Bouyer, Raymond. The Pastel Drawings of Aman-Jean. Six Illustrations ..... 285
Brangwyn Room at the City Art Gallery, Leeds. By A. S. Covey. Eight Illustrations . . . 181
Brinton, Selwyn. American Sculpture of To-day. Ten Illustrations ...... 34
Bruce-Joy, A., R.H.A., Some Medallions by. By A. L. Baldry. Nineteen Illustrations . . . 199
Carnegie Institute of Pittsburgh. By Arthur Hoeber. Seventeen Illustrations .... xcix
Charles, James, The Paintings of. By T. Martin Wood. Seven Illustrations .... 43
Clark, Walter Appleton. An Appreciation. By Richard Butler Glaenzer. Ten Illustrations . . xxxiii
Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C., The First Annual Exhibition of the. By David Lloyd.
Nine Illustrations. ....... . . . . . i
Covey, A. S. The Brangwyn Room at the City Art Gallery, Leeds. Eight Illustrations . . . 181
Current Art Events. One Illustration ........... cxxi
East, Alfred, A.R.A. The Art of the Painter-Etcher—Etchings, from Nature. Seven Illustrations . 278
Exhibition of the Carnegie Institute of Pittsburgh. By Arthur Hoeber. Seventeen Illustrations . xcix
Exhibition of the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C., The First Annual. By David Lloyd.
Nine Illustrations .............. i
Exhibition, The International Society’s Seventh. Eleven Illustrations ...... 140
Exhibition of the National Academy of Design, The Eighty-second Annual. By Gustav Kobbe. Ten
Illustrations ............... xli
Exhibition of the New York Society of Keramic Arts, Fifteenth Annual. By Eva Lovett. Eleven Illus-
trations ................ cxiv
Exhibition of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. By David Lloyd. Eight Illustrations . xviii
Exhibition of the Society of Arts and Crafts, Boston. By Eva Lovett. Eight Illustrations . . xxvii
Exhibition of the Society of Western Artists, Eleventh Annual. By Maude I. G. Oliver. Eight Illus-
trations ................ xxiv
Exhibition of the Ten American Painters. By David Lloyd. Eight Illustrations .... lxxix
Fergusson, John D., R.B.A., The Paintings of. By Haldane Macfall. Ten Illustrations . . 202
Field, H. The Paintings and Decorations of Baron Arild Rosenkrantz. Seven Illustrations . . 119
Frantz, Henri. The Moreau Collection at the Louvre Museum. Fourteen Illustrations . . .130
Frederic, Leon. A Belgian Painter. By Fernand Khnopff. Fourteen Illustrations . . . 171
Glaenzer, Richard Butler. Walter Appleton Clark: An Appreciation. Ten Illustrations . . xxxiii
Hall, Oliver. The Landscape Paintings and Water-Colours of. By T. Martin Wood. Eleven
Illustrations ............... 268
Halton, E. G. The Collection of Mr. Alexander Young. Fifth and Concluding Article. Thirty-one
Illustrations ............... 3
Hochard, Gaston. A Painter of French Types. By Octave Uzanne. Seven Illustrations . . 215
Hoeber, Arthur
Gari Melchers. Thirteen Illustrations ........... xi
The Carnegie Institute of Pittsburgh. Seventeen Illustrations ...... xcix
Hungarian Portrait Painter: Philip A. Laszlo. By Dr. Gabriel Von Terey. Sixteen Illustrations . 255
. International Society’s Seventh Exhibition. Eleven Illustrations ...... 140
Japanese Stencil Plates. Five Illustrations .......... 50
Keramic Arts. Fifteenth Annual Exhibition of the New York Society of. By Eva Lovett. Eleven
Illustrations ............... cxiv