Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 1): Zeus god of the bright sky — Cambridge, 1914

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Zeus Adados and Iupiter Heliopolitanus 563

blocks were fitted together with astonishing precision (fig. 429)1,
and, as R. Wood pointed out2, earned for the temple that towered
above them the popular name of the Trilithonz. The unknown
architect dreamed of employing an even vaster block; for in the
neighbouring quarry lies half-finished a stone, which measures at
one end some 4*30, at the other some 5'30, metres square and

Fig. 430.

attains a length of 2172 metres (fig. 430)4. Greeks and Romans
alike seem to have argued that, the greater the god, the more
grandiose must be his dwelling place5. And Zeus as lord of all

1 O. Puchstein in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1902 xvii pi. 6.

2 R. Wood The ruins of Balbec, otherwise Heliopolis in Coelosyria London 1757 p. 12.

3 Supra p. 555 n. 3. A parallel is furnished by the fourth temple of Apollon at
Delphoi, that built by Trophonios and Agamedes (Paus. 10. 5. 13), which was called rb
advrov €K irevTe \i6wv (Steph. Byz. s.v. Ae\<poL). It was the temple of epic times, the
X&'Cvos ovdos (II. 9. 404 f., Od. 8. 79 ff.), and its foundations are expressly said to have
been ' broad and very long' (h. Ap. 294 ff.).

4 O. Puchstein & T. von Lupke Balalbek Berlin 1910 pi. 28. Durm Baukunst d.
Rom? p. 9 f. figs. 4 f. states that it measures 2i-35m in length, 4"33m and 4'40m in height
and breadth, and gives details as to the method of quarrying. The big stone, which
would have weighed over 1200 tons, is locally known as the Hadsar el hibla (O. Puch-
stein Fuhrer durch die Ruinen von Balalbek Berlin 1905 p. 6 f.).

5 On colossal statues etc. as a means of literally ' magnifying' the god see Folk-Lore
1903 xiv. 270 f.
