Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean — 16.2004(2005)

DOI issue:
DOI article:
Kucharczyk, Renata: Glass finds from the basilica in Marea, 2004
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Marea,8 Fustat,9 and in the Kellia glass ornamentation occurs also on the open
assemblages.10 One should note that this forms, such as bowls11 and lamps.12

Windowpanes, one of the most common
and numerous finds in the Byzantine chur-
ches and monasteries, have also been noted
at the Basilica site. Windows allowed not
only for lighting the interior, but they were
necessary as protection against climatic
conditions. Bluish-green, heavily corroded
and weathered circular panes, referred to as
"bull's eye" disks (three fragments found,
reconstructed rim diameters of up to 18 and
20 cm), featuring very thick centers and

tapering to looped-out rims {Fig. 2:12-13],
were made by the crown method. Crude
pontil marks are observed in the middle of
the panes. So far, no remains of window
frames have come to light at the Basilica
site. One sherd of windowpane appears to be
cast, possibly roller-molded {Fig. 2:14], but
it is too small and decomposed for tech-
nique identification not to raise any doubts.
The blackish, weathered surface bears ob-
vious signs of tooling.

8 See above, 58 and Fig. 2:10.
9 D. Foy,"L'heritage antique et byzantin dans la verrerie islamique: exemples d'lstabl 'Antar-Fostat", Annlsl 34 (2000),
161-162, Fig. 13:3-8.
10 P. Ballet, N. Bosson, M. Rassart-Debergh, Kellia, II/2. L'ermitage copte QR 195, Le Verre, no. 5.
11 Y. Gorin-Rozen,"Glass from Monasteries and Chapels in South Sinai" in IAA Reports 9 (Jerusalem 2000), 235-237, Fig. 2:1.
12 G.T. Scanlon and R. Pinder-Wilson, Fustat Glass (London 2001), 64-66, PI. 32h-i.
